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Ants are not classed as pests and The Isle of Wight Council does not provide a pest control service. However, if you consider that you require assistance you may wish to contact one of the Isle of Wight Council Approved Pest Control Contractors.
Click here for a list of the Council’s Approved Pest Control Contractors

If in doubt telephone your local Environmental Health Department. Tel: 823000

Life History and Habits:
Ants01 Ants are social insects that live in a colony of many specialized ant types. Most ants are wingless workers, they gather most of the food, rear young and defend the colony.
Ants01 Eggs are produced by the large queens who have wings until they mate.
Ants01 Ants are characterized by a narrow pinched waist and bent or elbowed antennae. They can be confused with termites, particularly when swarms are produced. However, termites have a broad waist and antennae that look like a string of small beads and are rarely seen in the UK.
Ants01 The eggs are laid in the colony by the queen ants and the pale, legless young (larvae) are fed by worker ants. After they grow and molt over a period of a few weeks they pupate. The pupae do not feed and are immobile, soft and white. Pupae are often seen when ant colonies are expose. The adult ants later emerge from the pupa.
What to look for:

Ants are common throughout the whole country and tremendous numbers are found around the average home. Most ants found in a home nest outdoors and enter a home to look for food. Different species of ants have various food habits. Some like sweet materials and others like seeds, grease or protein rich foods.


To keep ants out of the home, remove food and use insecticides around the exterior foundation to kill foraging worker ants. Destroy ant nests for a more permanent control.
For more information regarding this Leaflet please contact:
Environmental Health Service
Jubilee Stores
The Quay
Isle of Wight
PO30 2EH
Telephone: 01983 823000
Facsimile: 01983 529804
©Isle of Wight Council, May 2004

Page last updated on: 30/08/2007