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Making an Application

Application forms for listed building consent have recently changed under the 1App system and can be obtained electronically by clicking here. Alternatively, paper copies sent via the post can be requested by emailing [email protected]. Helpful advice as to how to approach Listed Building Consent applications is available from the following guidance document produced by the Historic Towns Forum (HTF).
Making Better Applications for Listed Building Consent

Under the 1App system introduced through central government in April 2008, all applications relating to Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings, and their settings, will require a Heritage Statement. Applications can not be validated (i.e. accepted and registered) without one. This is in addition to the requirements for a Design and Access Statement, although it may be possible to combine the required documents as long as these are indexed and carefully labelled as such. All completed applications should be sent to:

Isle of Wight Council
Seaclose Offices
Fairlee Road
Isle of Wight
PO30 2QS

The following is an extract from DCLG guidance (January 2008, p.31) on the Validation of Planning Applications; guidance for local planning authorities which explains what is meant by a Heritage Statement. The document can be downloaded in full by clicking here.

Heritage Statements (including Historical, Archaeological Features and Scheduled Ancient Monuments)
The scope and degree of detail necessary in a Heritage Statement will vary according to the particular circumstances of each application. Applicants are advised to discuss proposals with either a planning officer or a conservation officer before any application is made. The following is a guide to the sort of information that may be required for different types of application.

For applications for listed building consent, a written statement that includes a schedule of works to the listed building(s), an analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the special character of the listed building or structure, its setting and the setting of adjacent listed buildings may be required. A structural survey may be required in support of an application for listed building consent.

For applications for conservation area consent, a written statement that includes a structural survey, an analysis of the character and appearance of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed demolition and its impact on the special character of the area may be required.

For applications either related to or impacting on the setting of heritage assets a written statement that includes plans showing historic features that may exist on or adjacent to the application site including listed buildings and structures, historic parks and gardens, historic battlefields and scheduled ancient monuments and an analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the special character of the listed building or structure, its setting and the setting of adjacent listed buildings may be required.

For applications within or adjacent to a conservation area, an assessment of the impact of the development on the character and appearance of the area may be required.

For all applications involving the disturbance of ground within an Area of Archaeological Potential as defined in the development plan or in other areas in the case of a major development proposal or significant infrastructure works, an applicant may need to commission an assessment of existing archaeological information and submit the results as part of the Heritage Statement.

Page last updated on: 18/09/2012