Job Vacancies and Human Resources FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I see a list of vacancies?
    Please visit our jobs pages to view all current vacancies. You can also search by Category or Directorate/Service area. Most of our vacancies are also published in our local newspaper the Isle of Wight County Press.

  • What job vacancies do you have?
    All Council vacancies appear on our Jobs webpages. Click on the Jobs tab to view the full list or Search for specific categories. Most of our vacancies are also published in our local newspaper, the Isle of Wight County Press.

  • What opportunities are there for Young People with the Isle of Wight Council?
    The Isle of Wight Council encourages young people to seek a career in Local Government and we have produced a booklet promoting Modern Apprenticeships and other opportunities for young people. A hard copy of the booklet is available from Human Resources, Floor 5, County Hall, Newport - Tel: 01983 823132.

  • What are the training and development opportunities for employees within the Isle of Wight Council?
    The Council is committed to the development of its staff and are currently working towards Investor in People recognition throughout the Authority. All staff have the opportunity to prepare an annual personal development plan with their line manager and are actively encouraged to engage in learning to develop their skills and competences according to organisational and service needs.

  • Do you accept 'on spec' applications or C.V.s ?
    Not as a general rule, as we do not have the resources to ensure a correct job match from speculative C.V.s. You need to apply for vacancies as and when they arise. Most of our vacancies are published in the County Press and you can view all current vacancies by visiting the jobs website.

  • I have a disability. What job opportunities are there for me with the Isle of Wight Council?
    The Isle of Wight Council is committed to maximising employment opportunities for all individuals in our community. If you have a disability and you meet the minimum requirements for a job - as set out in the job description - you are guaranteed an interview for the post.

  • What is the Isle of Wight Council's position on equality and diversity?
    The Isle of Wight Council is committed to diversity in employment and equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from suitably qualified applicants from all sections of our community, including people with disability and those from minority ethnic groups, who are under-represented in our workforce. Applications for flexible working will be considered where service needs permit.

  • How soon after submitting my application form will I hear whether I have been successful in gaining an interview?
    If you are invited to attend for interview, you should hear from us within 3 weeks of the Closing Date, which was shown at the bottom of the advertisement. We do not normally acknowledge receipt of applications or write to you, unless writing to ask you to attend an interview.

Page last updated on: 05/10/2005