Back to HomeThe Carers Forum

Family carers provide much of the care and support to people with a learning disability on the Isle of Wight.
Carers Forum Image
Carers have support needs of their own. To help with this, the Council will assess the needs of carers separately from the needs of the person that they care for.

There is also a Carers Forum which meets in Newport during the day and again in the evening. The organisers of the Carers Forum get people together to talk about the things that concern carers. They also try to get people and organisations to come to the Forum to give important information.

If you would like more information about the Carers Forum you can contact Bill McKenzie by post at:
Eastern Lane
Isle of Wight
PO40 9QR
Telephone Number 01983 752764
Link to carers handbook (pdf) Link to carers handbook (pdf) Information for carers – Carers Handbook
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 8th Feb 2007 (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 8th Feb 2007 (pdf) The minutes of the Carers' conference held on 8th Feb 2007 or Download the accessible version
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 23 January 2006 daytime
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 23 January 2006 evening
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 daytime
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 evening (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 evening (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 21 November 2005 evening
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 19 September 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 19 September 2005 daytime (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 19 September 2005 daytime
The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 19 September 2005 evening (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 19 September 2005 evening (pdf) The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 19 September 2005 evening
link to minutes march 2004 (pdf) Leaflet Icon The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 18 July 2005 daytime
link to minutes march 2004 (pdf) Leaflet Icon The minutes of the Carers Forum held on 18 July 2005 evening
If you would like a copy of minutes from before this, please contact Martin Johnson on 01983 520600 or [email protected]