Street Cleansing


Keeping our streets free of litter is an important part of ensuring that the Isle of Wight remains a pleasant place to visit and live. The Isle of Wight Council works in partnership with Urbaser Ltd to provide the street cleansing service as part of the Street Cleansing Contract. The contract is managed by the Contracts Section of Engineering Services based at Jubilee Stores, The Quay, Newport.

The Street Cleansing Contract covers the cleansing of all adopted highway on the Island including rural lanes, residential streets and pedestrianised areas of High Streets. Cleansing is also undertaken in Council maintained car parks, paved and grassed areas of Esplanades and includes emptying litter bins and dog bins. Mud on the road caused by building sites and other developments is the responsibility of the developer to cleanse. However, if the mud is presenting a safety issue, please contact Highways on 823777 and we can require the developer to take the appropriate action.

Page last updated on: 28/01/2011