Wind Turbine Application - Consultees

A number of organisations, groups and people have been contacted directly as part of the consultation process for the application to seek their views. The list of direct consultees is shown below, and where they have responded a link to their documents is provided. Comments from members of the public and all consultees can be viewed from 'The Application' page on the left hand menu.

List of Consultees

  Acting Head of Regeneration Isle of Wight Council
  Agenda 21
View Response 1
View Response 2
View Reply BBC Research Department
  Bembridge Airport
  Bournemouth International Airport
  BT Wholesale
  Radio Solutions Unit
View Reply Cable & Wireless
View Response 1
View Response 2
Campaign to Protect Rural England (IW)
View Response 1
View Response 2
View Response 3
Civil Aviation Authority
  Conservation and Design Team Leader Isle of Wight Council
  Council for National Parks
  County Archaeological Officer
View Reply Crime & Disorder Office
View Response 1
View Response 2
View Response 3
View Response 4
Defence Estates, DE Ops South
  Department of Transport
  Marine Directorate Navigation and Communication
View Reply English Heritage, South East Region
View Response 1
View Response 2
English Nature, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Team
View Response 1
View Response 2
View Response 3
View Response 4
Environment Agency
View Response 1
View Response 2
Environmental Health
  Farming & Rural Conservation Agency
View Reply Friends of the Earth
View Reply Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
  Harbour Master, Vessel Traffic Services Centre
  Head of Engineering Services, Isle of Wight Council
View Reply Head of Tourism (IW)
  Health & Sustainable Development, Environment Services
View Reply Highways Section
  Island 2000
  IW Coastal Officer
View Reply IW Economic Partnership
View Response 1
View Response 2

Maritime and Coastguard Agency


Ministry of DefenceDefence Estates

View Reply MLL Telecom Limited
View Reply NATS (En Route) Ltd.
  National Air Traffic Services Head Office
  National Air Traffic Services, Navigation
  National Grid Wireless (formerly Crown Castle)
View Reply New Forest District Council
View Response 1
View Response 2
New Forest National Park Authority
View Response 1
View Response 2
NTL Engineering Department
  NTL Head Office
  O2 UK
View Response 1
View Response 2
  Orange, Corporate Headquarters
View Reply Ramblers Association (Head Office)
View Response 1
View Response 2
View Response 1
View Response 2
View Response 3
Nottingham East Midlands Airport
  Scottish & Southern Energy
View Reply Senior Ecololgy Officer, Isle of Wight Council
  Southern Electric
  Southern Gas Networks
View Reply The British Horse Society
View Reply The Countryside Agency
  The Directorate of Airspace Policy
View Reply The National Trust (IW)
  T-Mobile (UK) Ltd

View Response 1
View Response 2
View Response 3
View Response 4
View Response 5
View Response 6
View Response 7

View Reply Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners