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Equality and Diversity

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Target Group:
All school staff and governors

Course Aims:

  • General training on the Equality Act 2010:
  • Understand how the legislation has changed and what it means for schools
  • Recognise the issues faced by each of the protected characteristics
  • Understand the implications of the legislation on teachers and school based staff, children and the community
  • Understanding of the impact of disabilities in relation to EA 10/SEN/SEND (when a specific focus is required by the school)

Intended Impact:
To raise awareness of equality and diversity legislation for all school based staff


Recommended Reading Materials

Schools Single equality Policy – including their equality objectives

Schools Accessibility Plan

Please choose 1 session

Course Trainer:
Rosie Barnard - Lead Officer Equality and Diversity, IW Council

Date: 27 March 2013    Time: 1pm - 4pm

Date: 06 June 2013    Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm

Community Learning Centre, Westridge, Brading Road, Ryde PO33 1QS

No further charge for fully Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings. Non-Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings - £140