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Effective Policies and Evaluating Their Impact

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Target Group:
All Governors, Clerks to Governors and Headteachers

Course Aims:
Policies set the strategic framework within which the Headteacher manages the school.  The review process needs to ensure that the effectiveness of policies is monitored and evaluated.  This course covers using sample policies, how to review and evaluate policies and ways in which this can be programmed into the work of the governing body.

Course Trainer:
Ann Laird – Hampshire CC Foundation Governor since 1996, has had 2 five year spells as chair of governors and currently serves on the interim executive board of a school in special measures

Date: 20 May 2013    Time: 4pm - 6:30pm

Hunnyhill Primary School, Forest Road, Newport, IOW, PO30 5SH

No further charges for subscribing organisations. Non subscribing organisations will be charged £110