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SENCO Training Day

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Target Group:
SENCO's working within the Early Years Foundation Stage

Course Aims:

Delegates will have an opportunity to revisit the Code of Practice and the impact on Local Procedures;


By the end of the morning session practitioner will:

  • feel able to complete relevant paperwork for statutory assessment and review 
  • be aware of and understand the requirements of the code of practice
  • be able to recognise the importance of early identification of a child’s needs


Practitioners will be updated on MAT funding, referrals and   paperwork and work with Children's Centres


The afternoon session will comprise of a set of practical workshops which will include

  • producing and using visual supports
  • importance of developing attention and listening skills 
  • managing behaviour issues 


The will conclude with a Question and Answer session 

Intended Impact:

  • Practitioners will feel more confident in their Special Educational Needs Coordinator role

Course Trainer:
Members of the SEN support services and Early Years support team

Date: 19 April 2013    Time: 9:30am - 4pm

Community Learning Centre, Westridge, Brading Road, Ryde, IOW, PO33 1QS

No further charge for fully Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings. Non-Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings - £220