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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Sharing PEAL (Parents, Early Years and Learning) with Parents

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Target Group:
Practitioners working within the EYFS, this includes day care settings and school based staff

Course Aims:

To support practitioners in developing work to engage parents in their children’s learning and development

  • To explore requirements of Revised EYFS regarding parent partnership
  • To enable practitioners to identify why engaging parents is important, and who benefits
  • To identify some of the barriers that stop parents being involved, and find solutions and opportunities for engagement

Intended Impact:
Practitioners will be confident in engaging and supporting parents in their child’s learning in both the setting and the home environment. 

Course Trainer:
Members of the Early Years Team

Date: 12 March 2013    Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm

Downside Community & Learning Centre, Newport

Day Cost for Non-Subscribing Schools - £220 No further charge for fully subscribing schools and early years settings