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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Sustaining and Supporting Young Children Thinking. (The Role of the Adult in Day Care settings)

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Target Group:
Practitioners working within the EYFS, this includes day care providers’ school based staff and childminders

Course Aims:

The Early Years Foundation Stage highlights young children’s thinking as a major thread for learning across all areas of development; and this is supported in the Tickell Review where it is referred to as an enduring learning characteristic.


Practitioners have the challenge of giving scope for young children to grow and share their ideas. The training day aims to support this work.  It will demonstrate practice through DVD clips and include practical activities and opportunities for group discussions.


The course will:

  • highlight why it is so important to have regard to children thinking
  • consider what happens when young children think
  • suggest how we can recognise their thinking
  • outline practical ways to support and sustain young children’s thinking through
    • the climate we offer
    • a thinking friendly environment
    • providing a supportive style of management
    • being a ‘thinking companion’

Intended Impact:

  • Practitioners will feel confident in sustaining and supporting young children’s thinking

Lunch will be provided

Course Trainer:
Marion Dowling - Marion has spent all of her varied career working in the early years. She has been Headteacher of a state nursery school and has worked as an advisor in two large shire authorities and as a member of Her Majesty's Inspectorate. Since 1995 she has worked independently as a consultant and trainer both in the UK and abroad. All her work is based on frequent and regular visits to early childhood settings. Marion has published extensively in early years journals and is author of several books. She is currently writing a new book on children thinking 0-7 years. Marion is a Vice-President of Early Education and has directed two Early Education projects on 'Exploring Young Children's Thinking'.

Date: 24 April 2013    Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm

Community Learning Centre, Westridge, Brading Road, Ryde PO33 1QS

No further charge for fully Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings. Non-Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings - £220