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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Transitions in the Early Years

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Target Group:
Practitioners from Early years settings, childminders, children’s centres and YR teachers

Course Aims:

To enable delegates to:

  • Consider the range of transitions that babies and children are likely to face
  • Explore the adult responsibility to support children and minimise the potentially disruptive impact of any change for children and their families


  • Share and reflect on current transition practices
  • Reflect on the experience of transitions from the perspectives of children and their families
  • Consider how practitioners could enhance their practice to support smooth transitions for all children

Intended Impact:

  • Delegates will be thoughtful about how to approach transition as a process, with children’s best interests in mind.
  • Children will experience smooth and seamless transitions throughout the EYFS

Course Trainer:
Members of the Early Years team

Date: 25 March 2013    Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm

Downside Community and Learning Centre, Furrlongs, Newport, PO30 2AX,

No further charge for fully Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings. Non-Subscribing Schools and Early Years settings - £220