Cultural & Leisure Strategy

IW Council Culture and Leisure Strategy

What do you do in your spare time? Do you enjoy gardening, reading, going for a run, playing golf or do you take part in courses for learning or for improving your social skills? There are a multitude of activities you can take part in during your spare time and whatever you do - we want to hear from you.

Culture and Leisure on the Isle of Wight The Isle of Wight Council is putting together a Cultural & Leisure Strategy which will be led by the Council, but will be created by the Island people and will define your future plans and aspirations for culture and leisure on the Isle of Wight. We would like the strategy to be in place by the end of 2002.

The purpose of such a strategy will be to increase the number of people taking part and enjoying Cultural & Leisure activities across the Island. It will allow the proper targeting of resources to meet priority and need. The strategy can act as a lever/reason to gain funding from external agencies including the National Lottery. It can establish new and innovative partnership working to deliver cultural activities, but above all, hopefully it will increase the number of people taking part and enjoying them. Equally cultural services play a crucial role tackling social inclusion, contributing to regeneration, to promoting safer communities, encouraging healthier lifestyles, providing opportunities for voluntary and community activity, and stimulating lifelong learning.

Culture and Leisure on the Isle of WightThe term 'culture' is not just about high arts and drama, it encompasses all cultural and leisure pursuits. Things that we do for fun, for relaxing, socialising - things we do because they make us feel good. Culture is also about improving quality of life, allowing people both to derive pleasure and to fulfil their own potential and broaden their horizons.

The consultation process has already started with the Island's numerous groups and associations being consulted for their views on the current provision of cultural and leisure activities and what improvements they would like to see over the next five years. Already a number of aims of the Cultural Strategy have been identified.

The views of all sections of the Island community will be needed to produce a meaningful strategy. The general views of the public have been gathered through the citizens panel but views of other interested people, groups & associations, and young people are still required so as to have a complete picture of cultural & leisure life on the Island.

Consultation with the Island's community has been taking place over the past eight months and some very useful information has been received. We will now start collating this information for inclusion in a draft report and, following consultation on this, the final Strategy will be produced by the end of 2002

If you have any queries or would like more information about the Cultural & Leisure Strategy please contact [email protected]