
Boundary Review of the Isle of Wight Council

On 13th February 2007 the Boundary Committee for England, which is part of The Electoral Commission, commenced a Further Electoral Review of the Isle of Wight Council.

The review will consider the number of Wards (or Electoral Divisions) that the Council should have, and will also review their boundaries to ensure that each Ward has the same number of electors, with a tolerance of plus or minus ten per cent. The external boundaries of existing Parish and Town Councils will not be affected, but their internal warding arrangements may change.

Any person or community group can make a submission to the Boundary Committee, and the links below give you access not only to documents produced by the Boundary Committee, but also to forecasts of electorates in December 2011, which should be used when making submissions.

The submission of the Isle of Wight Council will also be placed on this page for consultation prior to final submission to the Boundary Committee.

For further information or to comment on the draft proposals please contact Electoral Services by clicking here.