From 7th April 2008 Local Housing Allowance is being introduced for some private tenant Housing Benefit Claimants. Local Housing Allowance will be based on the
  • Area in which they live (the Isle of Wight is considered to be one area)
  • Size of the household
  • A rate based on the number of rooms required by the household composition

The change will happen
  • From 7 April 2008 any new claims received which are due to start on or after this date will be assessed under the new rules.
  • Existing claims will be transferred onto LHA when there has been a break in the claim.
  • If there is a notification of an existing claimant changing address.

As currently with Housing Benefit, entitlement to the LHA will be subject to a means test and proof of a valid tenancy. Payments will be made to the tenant rather than the Landlord.

The Local Housing allowance scheme will NOT apply to all Housing Benefit claimants. There are however some exceptions which are:
  • Registered Social Landlords (RSL) tenancies e.g. Medina & Southern Housing Group
  • Supported accommodation provided by the Local Authority and certain social landlords, charities and voluntary organisations.
  • Tenancies already excluded from current rent restrictions e.g. ongoing tenancies pre 1989
  • Exceptional cases i.e. caravans, houseboats, mobile homes, hostels and, B&B
  • Where a substantial part of the rent is for board and attendance

These cases will have their Housing Benefit calculated under the existing rules.

Page last updated on: 01/04/2010