Please note that we are currently updating this site, to include changes introduced by the simplification of tax rules governing pension schemes, and the recent changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) regulations.
Due to this, some of the pages you visit may not yet be available. You should not make any decisions about retirement before you speak to us, so that we can then tell you about how these changes would affect you.
The Pensions Office
The Pensions Team is highly skilled and experienced. We pride ourselves on our friendly approachability and our desire to help. If you have a specific query which you cannot find the answer to in this section, please do not hesitate to contact the pensions office by telephone, or indeed make an appointment to see a member of staff.
Who we are:
Pensions Manager: | Graham Fahy | 01983 821000 Ext 8872 | |
Pensions Officers: | Angela Burton | 01983 821000 Ext 8871 | |
| Rachael Bushby | 01983 821000 Ext 8870 | |
| Dave Steward | 01983 821000 Ext 8874 | |
Pensions Assistant: | Adrian Taylor | 01983 821000 Ext 8873 | |
Where we are:
Shared Service Centre
County Hall
Isle of Wight
PO30 1UD
Fax No (01983) 823637
We administer the Local Government Pension Scheme. This scheme is available to all employees in Local Government, or other organisations that have chosen to participate in it.
Teachers and fire fighters are not allowed to join if they are eligible to join their own schemes. (see or
Fire fighters Pension Scheme)

As a member of the LGPS, we keep records of your employment history and you will receive a Statutory Notification and Scheme guide upon joining.

If you have a change in the hours that you work, you will receive a Statutory Notification detailing the change.

If you work undefined hours you will receive a yearly update of the average hours that you worked over the previous year.

If you have pension rights with a previous employer, or from a personal pension plan that you wish to transfer into the LGPS, we will investigate this for you.

If you wish to consider improving your pension, we will provide information on and administer AVC’s(Additional Voluntary Contributions) and Buying an additional pension.

When you leave the LGPS, we will deal with your pension record in one of the following ways:
- ❖ If you have opted out of or left the scheme within 3 months of first becoming a Scheme Member, and have no transferred-in personal pension rights you will be eligible to claim the return of your pension contributions, provided you do not again become a scheme member within one month. You will be sent a letter with options of what to do with your pension contributions.
- ❖ If you have opted out of the scheme after 3 months, or have transferred in personal pension rights, your accrued benefits will be preserved until your retirement, or until you request their transfer to another pension arrangement. You will receive a letter detailing those benefits.
- ❖ If you leave with more than 3 months membership and are over 50, 55 after 31 March 2010, you may elect to receive, with the consent of your employer, immediate payment of your benefits – albeit greatly reduced.
- ❖ If you are made redundant and are over 50, 55 after 31 March 2010, with at least 3 months membership, or have transferred in previous pension rights to the LGPS, you will receive an immediate unreduced pension and lump sum within 2 working days following the receipt of all the details required to calculate your benefits.
- ❖ If you retire on grounds of ill-health, you will receive an immediate unreduced pension and lump sum within 2 working days following the receipt of all the details required to calculate your benefits.
- ❖ When your benefits become payable you will have the option to convert some of your pension to provide a tax-free lump sum. You will be given further information about this option before you receive your benefits.
- ❖ If your pension is very small you may have the option to commute to a single lump sum payment.
- ❖ If you die in service as a member of the LGPS a lump sum death grant of three times your final pay will be paid to your estate. Spouses and children’s benefits will be calculated and paid as appropriate.

We can also give you an estimate of what your pension will be, based on the hours and pay that you currently receive.
Page last updated on: 11/03/2011