The Private Rented Sector on the Isle of Wight plays a vital role in providing an alternative for people who don't want, or cannot afford to buy their own home and for people who do not qualify or are unable to wait for a socially rented tenancy.
There are many reasons why people become private landlords, these can include;
- Letting as a business
- Buy-to-let as an investment
- Buying a flat for students to share
- Letting your previous home when you move away
- Accommodation for employees, from estate workers to au pairs
- Taking in lodgers to help pay bills
Most landlords have a very professional approach to letting property and provide high quality, well-managed accommodation. As there are a variety of ways people become landlords, there is inevitably a range in management styles and property conditions. Many people might not think of themselves as a landlord and may be unsure what they should be doing legally, to protect themselves and their tenants.
The Isle of Wight Council is committed to ensuring that landlords and their agents are kept up to date with housing law, good practice, initiatives and to provide opportunities to talk to us. This section of the website contains information for landlords on the island as part of this process.
Communities and Local Government have made changes to the tenancy deposit protection legislation which came into on April 2012. For more information on the tenancy deposit protection schemes and changes to the legislation, please click
Since April 2008, the way Housing Benefit is calculated and paid has changed and the Local Housing Allowance was introduced, for more information on whether this affects you, please visit the
Housing Benefit Departments pages.
Communities and Local Government have introduced measures in England and Wales to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings, including:
- introducing energy performance certificates for properties providing A-G efficiency ratings and recommendations for improvement
- requiring public buildings to display energy certificates
- requiring inspections for air conditioning systems
- giving advice and guidance for boiler users
Isle of Wight Landlord Information Fairs
Each year the Isle of Wight Council hosts up to two Landlod Information Fairs, in which landlords or those interested in becoming a landlord are invited to attend. They are open events enabled to keep landlords and agents informed of changes in the law, services of the Council and initiatives. They usually take place in the evening at a central location, previous fairs have included presentations regarding:
- Tenancy Deposit Protection Schemes
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing
- Local Housing Allowance
- Find a Home Scheme
- Fire Regulations
- Supporting People
The date and venue of the next Landlords Fair is due to be confirmed shortly.
If you would be interested in attending, please contact
Jem Seaward on (01983) 823040.
Isle of Wight Executive Group
To help landlords find out about the changes to legislation and to encourage good practice by landlords sharing their extensive knowledge, the Isle of Wight Council organises a forum for landlords which is held twice each year.
These forums are round table discussions between landlords, agents and representatives from the Council and whilst it is facilitated by the Council it has an independent Chair person elected by the members.
The purpose of the Executive Group is to discuss issues affecting the housing sector and how to best tackle them. This process also includes how the Council might be able to assist landlords to relieve these issues.
The forum is also instrumental in deciding what topics are presented at the Isle of Wight Landlord Information Fairs and arranging guess speakers.
The next Isle of Wight Executive Group is planned to take place in autumn 2012. If you would like to attend, please contact
Jem Seaward on (01983) 823040.