Homelessness Prevention
If our Housing Options Team is unable to resolve your housing problem and you are still facing homelessness you will be dealt with by one of the Homelessness Prevention Team. They will look at your case in more detail, and try and resolve your housing situation which may involve liaising with your current accommodation provider. If they cannot prevent you losing your home, advice and assistance will be provided to help you secure alternative accommodation.
We have a variety of schemes available to assist people financially to either maintain their existing tenancies or to secure alternative accommodation. However, these funds are limited, and as such, priority is given to those that we would have a duty to assist under homeless legislation and that have no other way of securing the monies required themselves. As such, all cases have to be financially assessed and verified before they are offered as a solution.
One such scheme is the rent deposit scheme, where we can pay a deposit on your behalf to secure alternative private rented accommodation. If you are eligible for this scheme, we will advise you in writing, and tell you how much we are able to assist with. However, you should not enter into any tenancy agreement unless it has been approved by the Homelessness Prevention Team first, as we need to ensure that the property is suitable for your needs and affordable. We cannot pay a deposit if you have already taken the tenancy without agreement of the officer dealing with your case so be sure to contact us as soon as you find a property that you think may be suitable.
Another scheme offers financial assistance to enable people to remain in their current home and this can be achieved by helping people clear minor rent arrears for example or covering a shortfall in rent whilst alternative accommodation is sought.
Page last updated on: 06/09/2010