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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Name of meeting
Isle of Wight Youth Council
Date and time
Wednesday 7 March 2012 at 5pm
Newport Youth Club
Ashton Helyer (SW), Lawrie Mason (NW), Alice Blyth (NW), Alec Webb (EW & Chair), Tessa Kewell (SW and acting Vice-chair), Alister Webb (EW), Atalanta Hersey (WW), Shaun Joy (NW), James Metcalfe (WW), Daniel Clarke (SW), Anastasia Wlaschin-Wiest (EW), Emily Shorter (SW), Rebecca Browning (EW), Julia Banachowska (EW), Jack Philipsborn (MYP), Karen Elliott (SW), Dennis Kurtin (DMYP), Edan Bartlett (SW), Charlotte Major-Rendell (NW) and Edan Bartlett (SW).

Visiting: Claire Robertson, Sharon Kingsman, Andy Newman, Chris Smy
Adi Volney (NW), Bronte Debenham (EW), Andy Rea (SW), Laura Duke (NW and Vice-chair), Freddie Green (NW), Jonathan Whitehouse (WW) and Tom Turtle (NW) Ettienne Janus (NW) and Kieren Thompson (EW).
Apologies offered, introductions made for visitors, and no matters arising.
Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel 14 March.
Chair explained three Youth Council (YC) members invited to attend. Topics of discussion include future of Music service.
New opportunities for the Youth Council
Claire Robertson presented a number of ideas (see attached ?does Claire want to circulate her notes). In order for the YC to influence decision making at the Isle of Wight Council (IWC) she encouraged the YC to look at the forward plan. She suggested it may be useful for the YC to consider their priorities and formulate a work plan with timescales. It may be useful to invite outside speakers to help inform the YC on issues they are considering but it is important for the YC’s time not to be taken up meeting with people for issues which are not a priority and the YC is in effect acting as a focus group.

Social media discussion included Twitter, facebook and pages.
Action: James M to put ‘2012’ on facebook page.
Action: All to have new photo done

For the future- the social pages administrator should attend the first meeting of the newly elected members to provide passwords and access.

It was agreed to have the pages linked to a group email address rather than an individual’s.

Tessa, Laura, James, Alice and Shaun volunteered to be part of the social media group, as well as Adi and Eti who were not present but members felt would want to be involved.

A discussion took place as to whether there should be two groups one for facebook/twitter and web pages and one for radio and County Press.

It was agreed to continue this discussion at the next meeting.

The current IWC forward plan was circulated and questions answered.

Action: Andy N to circulate Forward Plan when published (15th of every month).

Youth Council meeting dates was discussed and if they should coincide with the issue of cabinet papers and cabinet meetings.

Action: Keep next meeting date, then meetings to be Wednesday Following issue of cabinet papers, which will have been circulated to YC. Venue to be County Hall whenever possible.

Copy of dates attached.

Scrutiny panel on 14 March: Jack, Alec, Laurie to attend
YP meeting with Andrew Turner
Jack and Dennis reported a positive meeting, and that a good relationship was being formed with the MP. Talks focused on national issues – heath etc. although the MP would not commit to supporting any issues until a wider view had been sought amongst the electorate.
Work shadowing had been offered at local and national level.

Ryde Town Council
A number of YC members attended a meeting covering topics from the Limestone pavement problems to the esplanade station. The main suggestion from the YC was a band stand near the seafront for groups to perform. Busking type performance in the day and booked gigs for the evening. The concern for Ryde Youth Action Group was litter.

Action: on-going dialogue to be maintained
AOB (1)
Discussion around having sub groups.
Decision: It was agreed to have the following groups: Transport, Environment, Education and Health, and Social (alcohol, ASB, Drugs, Age etc.) The media group would be formed from a representative from each sub group and others. Training has been offered.
Action: YC members to think about which group they would like to be part off.
AOB (2)
? Rebecca Browning had forged links with UKSA

Shaun agreed to set up an email address.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 28 March, 5pm at County Hall.

Page last updated on: 01/08/2012