Arrangements for Access, Monitoring and Supervision

Researchers cannot work in isolation; arrangements for access to information, monitoring of standards and supervision of work must be planned and implemented throughout the project.

The Sponsor

The researcher must have the agreement and support of a named Council or sponsoring organisation Manager, usually an experienced person, who will be the Council or sponsoring organisation’s sponsor for the proposed research project. This person’s role is to facilitate access to research participants and to oversee and monitor the progress of the research; however s/he is not responsible for providing support and advice about the research itself.
Applicants and sponsors must be aware of the sponsor role and responsibilities, as set out in the ‘Local Authority as Sponsor’ page of this website.

The Supervisor

The researcher is responsible for identifying an appropriately qualified and experienced research supervisor who is able and willing to provide guidance, support and advice about the research. The researcher is also responsible for securing the supervisor’s agreement to undertake this task. If the research is being done through or as part of a university course, the research supervisor will probably be a member of the university’s academic staff.
Once a research supervisor has been identified and approved by the local authority, the named person must be fully aware of their role and in particular of the need to: -
  • Ensure that the researcher is aware of the council or sponsoring organisation’s research governance process.
  • Offer regular support and advice throughout the conduct of the study and to monitor the research progress.
  • Ensure the researcher maintains regular contact with the named internal manager/sponsor responsible for overseeing the research for the sponsor organisation.
  • Promptly bring to the sponsoring organisation’s attention any matter that affects the ability of the researcher to continue the research or of the supervisor to continue to provide supervision.
  • Promptly bring to the sponsoring organisation’s attention any matter that may adversely impact on the interests of the participants, their families or carers or of the council and its officers.
  • Promptly bring to the sponsoring organisation’s attention any other matter that the supervisor considers

Page last updated on: 17/09/2007