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Early Help 0-5 years

East Cowes Children's Centre

We recognise, as emphasised in a number of recent national reviews, that a child’s experience in the foundation years from 0-5 are crucial in determining a child’s long term developmental outcomes.  

Our early help provision for this age group includes;

  • A range of provision at our children’s centres, focused on the most vulnerable families.
  • A health visiting service, with a focus on supporting vulnerable parents.
  • An early education programme in which two year old children from low income families experiencing difficulties can be referred for 10 hours free early education per week.
  • An early years’ special educational needs service, providing specialist support for individual children (0-5) with SEND working alongside families, settings and other agencies to ensure and promote development of skills
  • An early year’s speech, language and communication service for children, parents and early years settings

For more details on the services you can contact please click here