Description of Service: The Council Tax is due to be paid on the first day of each month. You can choose how to pay your Council Tax bill from the following methods: Direct Debit - we offer a choice of payment dates - 1st, 10th or 20th of each month or 1/2 yearly (1st April and 1st October). For more information or to set up a direct debit contact the Council Tax office. Automated Telephone Service - you can pay by Debit Card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 0207 1381970 Internet Payments - you can pay online with your debit card. Post Office - you can use your payment card at any Post Office free of charge by cash, cheque or debit card. Paypoint - you can use your payment card where you see the 'Paypoint' sign displayed by cash or debit card, cash payments only. Many have extra long opening hours, including weekends. Personal Visit - at the Council Office, Broadway, Sandown. IOW, PO36 9EA Cash Office hours - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30am to 2.30pm. Closed all day Tuesday