Service Description: The Countryside Section of the Isle of Wight Council is involved in a wide range of activities from giving advice about wildlife and trees to carrying out practical management and teaching children about nature. The Countryside Ranger manages nature reserves and country parks throughout the Island, including Fort Victoria Country Park. The Ranger works closely with community organisations and charities, especially town and parish councils, to promote good countryside and wildlife management on land they own. The work of the section is supported by a large and loyal band of volunteers, who willingly give their time throughout the year to conserve and enhance their local environment.
Also known as:- Afton Marsh, Batts Copse, Brading Down, Charles Wood, Conservation Sites, Country Parks, Countryside Rangers, Dodnor Creek, Fort Victoria BBQ bookings, Fort Victoria Country Park, Golden Hill Country Park, Golden Hill Fort, Nansen Hill, Nature Reserves, Rangers, Shide Chalk Pit/Shide Quarry, Volunteering, Wight Winter Walks leaflet, Wildlife Warriors