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Council Tax Benefit Consultation

Your FAQ

Question: What is a disabled benefit, and how will I know if I receive it?

Answer: Disabled benefits are paid by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), and are to help pay for any additional support that may be needed by a disabled person. The DWP will have notified you in writing if this benefit is being paid to you.
The disabled benefits referred to in the options are Attendance Allowance (low and high rates), Disability Living Allowance Care component (low, medium and high care), Disability Living Allowance Mobility (low and high mobility), Employment and Support Allowance (Support Component only), Incapacity Benefit (long term rate only), Severe Disablement Allowance (standard, lower, middle and higher rates). The proposed council tax support scheme also seeks to include payments made in relation to War Disablement Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme payments.

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