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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight


Service Description: In March 2012, the government introduced a new law (the Health & Social Care Act 2012) requiring each local authority area to set up a new organisation called Healthwatch by April 2013.

Healthwatch will help provide information and advice to Islanders about health and social care services, signpost people to services -so they understand the choice of care available - and involve people to help improve and shape these services in the future.

Healthwatch will effectively act as a consumer champion, making the views and experiences of the local community known to the people making decisions about these services, both locally and nationally.

Contact Information
Department Resident Information & Consultation
Address County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD.
External Phone 01983 821000

Direct Contact
Contact Name Sharon Kingsman
Job Title SPCBS Manager