
The value of a contract determines the procedures that Council Officers must follow. The value determines how many quotes the Council need to obtain or whether an invitation to tender process must be entered into.
Value Band
At least one written quote
£20,001 - £75,000
At least three written quotes
£75,001 - £150,000
At least 3 tenders
EU if appropriate
£150,001 + £1.5m
At least 4 tenders
EU requirements if appropriate
Please click below to view the Procurement plan for the Isle of Wight Council.
The purpose of the document is to raise awareness of potential contracting opportunities with the Authority.

This document is subject to quarterly revisions to ensure that the information contained is as up to date and relevant as possible. Please review this page regularly to ensure that you have the latest update.

Page last updated on: 10/06/2011