
Before throwing something away, think about whether you could reuse it for the same or a different purpose. Or maybe someone else could?

One mans trash is another man’s treasure!

Reuse something in the same way – like refilling a jar with some homemade jam, or try something new – like using it as storage!
  • Plastic takeaway tubs make a great alternative to foil/cling film for
freezing meal portions or taking sandwiches and it stops them being squashed too!
  • Egg cartons make great seed trays, when big enough just plant each
section straight out and the cardboard will degrade!
  • Cut the bottoms off of plastic bottles and bury neck down next to
plants to get water straight to the roots and avoid evaporation.

The Storeroom

Some items of furniture, such as chairs, tables, sofas and beds that are still in a usable condition can be donated to The Storeroom, who will collect and reuse furniture within the community.

Charity Shops

Additionally, some electrical items and other items in good repair can be donated to charity shops.


Have you tried Freecycling? Find new homes for things you no longer need and save useful items from the tip! Click here for the IOW group.

For more ideas look at the Choose2Reuse Campaign

Page last updated on: 16/12/2009