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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Frequently asked questions about Council Tax.

How do I appeal against my property band?

Are there any allowances for disabled persons?

Is my property exempt from Council Tax?

Are there any discounts available?

Do I qualify for Council Tax Benefit?

If you have any other questions please contact the Council Tax enquiries line on 01983 823901 or write to the following address:

Revenue Services Division
Civic Centre
Isle Of Wight
PO36 9EA

How to appeal against your band

If there has been a change to your property or you are a new taxpayer and you consider your band is incorrect you should contact:

The District Valuation Officer
Overline House
Blechynden Terrace
Southampton S015 1GW

If you decide to appeal against the band you must pay the Council Tax based on the existing band until the appeal is settled.

You may also appeal if you consider you are not liable to pay Council Tax. For example, because you are not living in the property, or you are not the owner of it, or because you consider it is exempt, or we may have worked the bill out incorrectly. If you wish to appeal on these grounds you must write to us so that we can reconsider your case.


People with disabilities

If anyone liv ing in your home has a disability and uses a wheelchair at home or needs an extra bathroom or room adapted to meet their special needs they may be entitled to a reduced bill. If this applies the bill will be reduced to the rate for the band immediately below that shown in the banding list. If your home is in Band A a reduction of one-ninth of Band D will be made. 


Exempt Properties

Council Tax is not charged on some properties (known as exempt properties). These include empty properties which are:

  • unfurnished and requiring major repairs (this lasts for up to twelve months)
  • unfumished (this lasts for six months)
  • owned by charities
  • annexes (granny flats) which cannot be let separately
  • by Law not allowed to be lived in
  • repossessed
  • waiting to be lived in by a minister of religion
  • left empty by someone who has died
  • left empty by a bankrupt

left empty by students, prisoners, patients in hospitals or care homes, people receiving or providing
care elsewhere

  • Other properties which are exempt are:
  • homes lived in only by people with severe mental problems
  • halls of residence
  • homes lived in only by students
  • homes lived in only by people under 18
  • granny flats lived in by relatives who are elderly or have severe mental or physical problems
  • homes lived in by members of visiting forces



The basic Council Tax covers two or more adults aged 18 or over living in the property. If you are the only person living in the property you will get a 25% discount. A 10% discount will apply if nobody lives in the property as their main home. Some people are not counted when ascertaining the number of adults, these are:
  • prisoners
  • people with severe mental impairment
  • people who you receive child benefit for
  • school leavers
  • apprentices, student nurses and full-time students
  • people who are permanently cared for in nursing homes, care homes and hospitals
  • low-paid care workers
  • people who are looking after someone with a dis ability (not a partner or child under 18)
  • members of religious communities (monks and nuns)
  • students partners or dependants who are not British Citizens

You must tell us within 21 days about all changes which may affect your right to a reduction in your Council Tax. If you fail to do so you may face a penalty.


Council Tax Benefit

This can help with all or some of your Council Tax but is dependant on your income and savings. You cannot claim if you have savings of more than £16000. If other adults living in your home (but not a husband, wife or partner) are living on a low income you could be entitled to a reduction of up to 25%. To claim benefit you will need to complete a claim form, which is available from the address overleaf.

Please note:
Benefit will only be paid from the date a claim is received.


The above information is for GUIDANCE ONLY if you require further details please contact the Revenue Services Division at the address above.