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Planning Application Comments Online Form

Comments for Application:

Application Ref: TCP/18349/U, P/01416/06
Location: site of Essex House Baring Road Cowes PO318DQ
Proposal: Construction of a terrace of 4 town houses with integral garages fronting Cliff Road 3/6 storey building to provide 10 flats vehicular access
Last date for comments: 14/07/2006

STEP 1: Review Terms and notes for making comments:

The Isle of Wight Council has received the above application for planning permission. You may inspect the application and associated documents either here online or at Seaclose Offices during normal opening hours. Any comments, you may have in respect of this application should be submitted online below or put in writing by the comment date above. Failure to meet this deadline may jeopardise the chance of your comments being taken into account. Please note that in the event of an appeal your representation will be forwarded to the Secretary of State and the appellent in accordance the Town & Country Planning (Appeals)(Written Representations Procedure)(England) Regulations 2000.

For a householder application registered on or after 6 April 2009, in the event that an appeal is made against a decision of the Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the proposed development, and that appeal then proceeds by way of the expedited procedure under the written representations procedure, any representations made to the Council about this application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so at the earliest opportunity.

All comments submitted in respect of this application must be of a planning nature and will be made available for other parties to see, both online and at council offices, under the Access to Information Act 1985. Objections and comments of a non-planning nature such effect on trade, loss of view, rights of way, rights to light, restrictive covenants and matters dealt with under other legislation cannot be taken into account by the Authority when determining planning applications.

Please note that it is the policy of this Authority not to give notification of the decision of this planning application. Should notification of the decision be required please send a SAE to Development Control, Seaclose Offices, Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2QS quoting the application reference number.

The Isle of Wight Council accepts no responsibility or liability for the contents of comments received and reserves the right to withdraw comments not of a valid planning nature at any time.

It is no longer possible to submit comments on this application as a decision has already been made. If you have any queries on this application please contact the planning department Email: [email protected] OR Tel: 01983 823552

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