Museum of Island History
Past Exhibition
Saxon Wight
4 April 2009 - 20 September 2009
This exhibition told the story of the Anglo-Saxons on the Isle of Wight
and displayed some of the important objects from the museum’s
Brooches could be plated with gold to emphasise the status of the owner.
Late Anglo-Saxon Silver Pennies - Aethelred II (978-1016).
Gold BracteateBracteates were probably made as amulets for good luck.The stamped design shows a coiled animal. 6th century.
Spearhead6th century.
Disc BroochA gilded silver brooch with garnets. Anglo-Saxons usedbrooches to fasten their clothes.
Decorated Strap-endStrap-ends were fitted to straps to stop the ends fraying andto add weight so that they hung correctly.
Location Guildhall High Street Newport Isle of Wight PO30 1TY
01983 823366
| Bookings and Enquiries Isle of Wight Heritage Service Guildhall Newport Isle of Wight PO30 1TY
01983 823433 | Opening Times The Museum of Island History is open throughout the year. Please contact 01983 823366 for Christmas opening times.
Tue 10.30 – 4.00 Thur 10.30 – 4.00
Page last updated on: 25/08/2011