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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Museum of Island History

Past Exhibition


25 March – 3 September 2006
The coastal waters around the Isle of Wight are infamous for their shipwrecks. The exact
number will never be known but more than 4,000 shipwreck sites appear on the Admiralties
This exhibition explored just a few of the shipwreck sites from around the Island’s coast,
revealing stories of tragedy, heroism and loss.

Brass buckle from officer’s uniform.
Needles wreck site.

Using objects from the museum’s collection we explored two sites. The HMS Pomone, which sunk on the Needles rocks in 1811, and the Yarmouth Roads Wreck believed to be a Spanish sixteenth century carrack.

A length of rope recovered
from the Mary Rose.

The most famous wreck site is that of the Mary Rose that sunk in 1545. We were thankful to the Mary Rose Trust for the loan of objects from their collection.

‘Steel Ship ‘Irex’, 2248 Tons, Scratchells Bay, 26 Jan 1890’.
Painted by W. Hayman, a coastguard officer who took
part in the rescue.

The exhibition told the stories of numerous wrecks through postcards, paintings and photographs.


The exhibition included hands on activities for all ages. Including drawing an archaeological plan of a wreck site. Finding out how far a ship can heel over before it begins to sink and identifying the mystery objects.


High Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 1TY

01983 823366

Bookings and Enquiries

Isle of Wight Heritage Service
Isle of Wight
PO30 1TY

01983 823847
Opening Times
The Museum of Island History is open throughout the year.
Please contact 01983 823366 for Christmas opening times.

Tue 10.30 – 4.00
Thur 10.30 – 4.00

Page last updated on: 25/08/2011