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Pavement Maintenance

Overview - (The lay term for Footway)

As with roads priority is given to footways/pavements that are in urgent need of repair and have the most use.

We aim to make all dangerous defects, potholes, trips and cracks safe within 24 hours. We carry out minor repairs throughout the year as and when the need comes to out attention.

The majority of footways/pavements are surfaced with bituminous material, thereby reducing the number of trips and uneven surfaces that can occur where paving slabs are utilised. However is town centres and particularly conservation areas paving slabs and concrete block paving are used to enhance aesthetics and maintain a more pleasing environment.

Many pavements have successfully been reconstructed using these materials on sound foundations. There is a need not only to cater for the pedestrian but also to prevent the over-running of vehicles, which can cause considerable damage.

We work closely with Statutory Undertaker, who excavate in pavements to undertake repairs or lay new apparatus. We ensure that the reinstatements are carried out to the correct standard and that the materials used are in keeping with the existing. On more major works undertaken by these bodies we encourage enhancement reducing the impact that any reinstatement may have and improving the quality of the pavement.

Link to Street Work Enforcement page

Below are ways you can help us maintain and
Improve pavements/footways on the Island: -
  • Reporting dangerous defects on the road and pavements to our Jubilee Stores office. Report Defect(s)
  • Please let us know of any locations where you think low crossings may be helpful.
  • Please let us know if your unhappy about the standards of our contractors work.
  • Please do not park on the pavement/footway; this is a danger to the blind and partially sighted pedestrians.
  • When we notify you of work we are about to carry out in front of your property, please inform us of any special access requirement you may need, such as for wheelchairs or deliveries.
  • Please let us know if you are unhappy about the standard of our contractors work.

Page last updated on: 19/08/2004