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Highway drainage is used to clear surface water from the highway.
It is not designed to cater for run-off from adjacent properties.

What is a Highway Gully?

A Highway Gully is a drainage pit covered by an open metal grating located on the edge of the road. The purpose of the gully is to drain water from the highway into the drainage system.


What is a Soakaway?

A drainage pit covered by a metal cover or sometimes soil, which allows rainwater from buildings to permeate into the surrounding subsoil, with typically the landowner taking responsibility.

What is a Highway Drain?

A Highway drain is a pipe connecting the Highway gully to the Surface Water sewer, which enables rainwater from the highway gully into the Surface Water drainage system.

What are Surface Water Sewers?

These are large underground drains connecting the highway drain to an appropriate outfall (ditch/rivers/sea). The sewer carry’s surface water, although in some circumstances highway drains are connected to contained sewers which are the responsibility of southern water services. These are discharged to the sewerage treatment works.

Page last updated on: 19/08/2004