
H.M. Coroner Isle of Wight

Mrs Caroline SUMERAY
LL.B. (Hons), Dip FMS, Barrister

Coroner’s Office
3-9 Quay Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 5BB
Telephone: (01983) 520697
Fax: (01983) 527678

E-Mail: coroners@iow.gov.uk

Web: www.iwight.com/coroners


Opening Hours: Mon – Thu 08-30 - 16-30hrs Fri 08-30 – 1600hrs
(Out of hours contact Hampshire Constabulary 0845 045 45 45)

The following Deputy and Assistant Deputy Coroners act when the Coroner is not available and have the same duties and powers.

Deputy Coroner: Mr Hugh CALLOWAY
Assistant Deputy Coroner: Mr John Matthews DL. B.A. (Law)

The Coroner is assisted by one full time Coroner’s Officer with two Deputies on a part time basis.

Page last updated on: 08/10/2012