Superfast broadband
Thank you for submitting your postcode data.
To gain a better understanding of your current and future broadband needs:
Business | |
You can fill out a short online survey if you are an Island business by clicking here. |
You can also download and fill out a paper copy of the business survey by clicking here. |
Resident | |
You can fill out a short online survey if you are an Island resident by clicking here. |
You can also download and fill out a paper copy of the resident survey by clicking here. |
If you’re unable to access the surveys using the above methods, you can call: 01983 823653 where you can request a paper based copy to be sent to you in the post.
Please post back to the address below:
Superfast Broadband
Economy and Skills
Room 304
County Hall
PO30 1UD
Please send any further comments you may also have to the postal address above.
Page last updated on: 12/01/2012