
  • In 2007, it was estimated that 14,480 casualties (6% of all road casualties) occurred when someone was driving whilst over the legal alcohol limit.
  • 2007 figures indicate that 460 (16%) of fatalities on UK roads were drink related and 2,220 of those killed and seriously injured were as a result of drink driving.
  • It is estimated that in 2007, 470 pedestrians and 100 pedal cyclists were injured in drink drive accidents/
  • Nationally, 80 children under the age of 15 were killed or seriously injured in drink drive accidents.
  • In 2006 approximately one in four drivers killed, excluding motorcycle riders, were over the legal limit for driving a motor vehicle.

Enforcement and Prosecution

The Road Traffic Act 1988 allows the police to test any driver involved in an accident, whether or not anyone is injured.  The Act also states that the police may conduct a test when there has been a moving traffic offence or where they suspect the use of alcohol

  • In 2007 179,558 were requested following road accidents and of these, 6,268 failed.
  • Approximately 600,000 roadside screening breath tests were undertaken in 2006 resulting in around 93,000 convictions.
    Statistics from DfT Road Casualties Great Britain:2007 Annual Report

