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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Pan Urban Extension?

The Pan Urban extension is a housing and regeneration project being delivered in partnership between the Isle of Wight Council and Spectrum Housing Group.  The development will provide 1009 homes, with a minimum of 240 of these being affordable housing.

All tenures will exceed level 4+ of the Code for Sustainable Homes, Lifetime Homes and Building for Life (Gold Standard). 

How is the Code for Sustainable Homes level going to be achieved?

The scheme could include a Biomass plant that will deliver heating and hot water to the entire development, reducing costs to homeowners at a time when fuel prices are escalating and contributes to the Eco Island Strategy.

When does building start?

A planning application is anticipated to be submitted in early 2009 with a potential onsite start date of September 2009.

How long will building take?

The development will take approximately 12 years to build.

Will construction traffic go through the existing Pan Estate?

The developer will endeavour to ensure that there will be minimal impact of construction traffic through Pan and will work closely with the community to monitor and implement changes if necessary.

Why are there private property signs appearing on land at Staplers/Furrlongs/Pan Lane?

Following consultation with the community and the developer it is necessary to ensure that the site is managed effectively for the purpose of giving vacant possession to the developer when required.

There have been rumours that the site will cause flooding issues, what guarantees can the Council provide to ensure that not only the new homes are protected but also existing residents of Pan?

The Council prior to going our to tender undertook ground work investigation and then from the Council selecting the developer in January 2008 have undertaken further substantial drainage surveys and ground work investigations. These have been carried out in conjunction with discussions with the Environment Agency and Southern water, and this has resulted in a number of detention/balancing ponds being built into the infrastructure of the Site to contain the surface water run off and slowly allow excess water to filter back into the existing stream networks and storm systems and thus maintain existing flow levels which are required by the Environment Agency. The developer will have to comply with any and all other statutory requirements to ensure that future storm events are taken into account.

Are the homes going to be for Island People only?

In respect of the Affordable Housing, only people registered on the Island Housing Register will be able to obtain a property, however in terms of ensuring a good integration we are working closely with our Partners to allow residents the ability to transfer into the development if they so wish.

In terms of the Private sale units, it has been negotiated with the developers that they will use all reasonable endeavours to sell to private individuals on the island who intend to live in the property themselves. Once this period of marketing has been undertaken and the developer can demonstrate an effective marketing period. Then the Council can grant consent to the developer to seek other marketing opportunities. 

Where are the jobs for people if they are coming over from the mainland to buy these houses?

The council has been working closely with the Island Strategic Partnership to encourage existing and new potential businesses to establish themselves on the Island. We are anticipating that the homes are being mainly sold to existing Island residents many of whom will already be in areas of employment.

What is the existing Pan Community going to get out of the development?

All parties including the Pan Neighbourhood Partnership staff have been working closely with the Community to identify wide ranging benefits. These have included

The Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) which is now in community use.

£1,000,000 Payment by the developer for new community opportunities in conjunction with a new Primary school when required

The creation to the East of the Site, a ‘country park’ style effect providing trails and walks that will benefit the community and the wider area of Newport

A plan to identify and improve existing public alley ways and paths on existing Pan

A study to work with the Community to look at wider regeneration initiatives around the existing centre of Pan, focusing on the community facilities, and possible future health facilities, highway improvement works, the shopping area and works to the existing Recreation Ground to provide a Park area with younger children’s play facilities and improvement works to accommodate the football pitch and surrounding area.

Will local people be able to get training with the developer?

There is an agreement with the developer to undertake training and labour requirements that seek ways to identify with existing service providers, residents who could benefit from training and support to fulfil employment objectives including younger person and Adult Apprentices.

Will local people to the Island be employed by the developer to carry out the work?

The developer will seek to undertake opportunities that will benefit the local island economy in terms of sub contractors and supply chain procurement practices.

What will happen to all the wildlife once the Building Works Start?

There has been extensive negotiation with the community, Natural England and the Environment Agency in terms of setting aside and promoting enhanced areas for environmental benefits. This has included substantial land to the East of the Boundary where a new path will run through the enhanced ecological areas and improved native species planting to provide natural habitats for the Dormice, Badgers etc. The area will be akin to a ‘Country Park’ style providing additional open space.

If you have any comments or questions, then please contact us.