Isle of Wight Council
Internet / Intranet
Acceptable Use Policy


1 Introduction
2 Scope
3 Policy Updates
4 User Awareness
5 Provision of Service
6 Personal Use of Internet
7 Prohibited Uses
8 Exceptions to Prohibited Use
9 Monitoring
10 Untoward Incidents
11 Uploading and Downloading of Files
12 Newsgroups
13 Publication of Material
14 Breach of Policy 
15 Further Information
16 History

1         Introduction

1.1          The Internet is a world-wide communication network linking together thousands of computer networks and many millions of users through public and private telecommunication lines.

1.2          The Council provides access to the vast information resources and facilities of the Internet to help staff and others do their jobs more efficiently and effectively. Such facilities include researching particular products, accessing central government data and electronically communicating with colleagues and business associates

1.3          The facilities to provide that access represent a considerable commitment of Council resources in respect of telecommunications, networking, security, software and support as well as significant costs. They also represent a significant risk if they are not used correctly.

1.4          This document is intended to define in a clear and straight-forward manner what those risks are and the conditions under which the Council’s Internet might be used.

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2         Scope

2.1          This policy applies to employees, members and all other users of the Council’s Internet services.

2.2         The policy applies equally to the Council’s internal version of the Internet, the Intranet, which uses similar technologies and poses similar risks. For ease of reading, the term Internet is used to refer to both services throughout the remainder of this document.

2.3          The Council has a separate ‘Electronic Mail - Acceptable Use Policy’ which covers the use of internal and Internet based e-mail.

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3         Policy Updates


3.1          This policy will be amended from time to time in response to changing circumstances as Internet facilities develop and in response to operational and legislative requirements.

3.2          The Council will do its best to ensure that individual users are made aware of these changes when they occur.

3.3          The most current version of the policy will however always be available on the Council’s Intranet site and in paper form from the Personnel Department. As a condition of use, it is the responsibility of users to ensure that they keep up-to-date with the latest requirements of the policy.

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4         User Awareness

4.1          All Internet users will be required to sign the following statement before being allowed access to the Internet:

I have read the Council’s Internet / Intranet Acceptable Use Policy and fully understand the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.

I understand that the Council’s security systems will record for management use all Internet activity undertaken by me, including the addresses of web sites visited or attempted to be visited and any material transmitted or received.

I understand that violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment, and could also lead to personal criminal prosecution

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5         Provision of Service

5.1          The Council will provide Internet access to all staff who have signed the User Awareness statement where this is reasonably practicable.

5.2          The Council does however reserve the right to withdraw this facility at the request of service managers and in the event that the facility becomes uneconomic or is being abused.

5.3         Users must ensure that they use the facility lawfully at all times.

5.4         As a general policy, Internet access will only be made available through the Council’s data network. There are several reasons for this:

5.4.1          The Council uses a fixed link to connect to the Internet and its charges are therefore fixed and predictable irrespective of usage level

5.4.2          The Council can monitor usage levels and increase bandwidth as required to ensure an appropriate quality of service for all users at the most economic rates

5.4.3          The Council can route all traffic through its firewalls and other security systems to protect users and the Council from inappropriate material.

5.5          Internet connections from stand-alone PCs via modems will only be permitted under very special circumstances and must be approved in writing annually by the Council’s Head of Information and Communications Technology. The user is responsible for obtaining and keeping this permission up-to-date.

5.6          Modem connections from networked workstations (including dual boot connections) are specifically prohibited. Any such existing connections must be terminated by the end of September 2000.

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6         Personal Use of Internet

6.1          The Council’s Internet facility is intended to support the organisation’s legitimate business requirements.

6.2          Occasional and reasonable use of the Internet for personal purposes is regarded as acceptable provided that:

6.2.1          systems are not used for personal use during normal working hours

6.2.2          systems are not used for private business or other commercial purposes including the sale or purchase of goods and services

6.2.3          use of the system does not interfere with the normal performance of the user’s duties

6.2.4          there is no additional cost to the Council in using the system for personal use

6.2.5          there is no breach of the prohibitions identified in this policy

6.3          For the purposes of clarity, the Council connects to the Internet through a dedicated leased line at fixed costs. The costs to the Council therefore remain the same irrespective of the amount of use although performance levels will decline as the line reaches capacity.

6.4          The following sites connect to the leased line directly and therefore no additional costs are incurred for personal use for people working at these sites:

6.4.1          County Hall

6.4.2          7, High Street

6.4.3          Fairlee Road

6.4.4          Jubilee Stores

6.4.5          Langley Court

6.5          Other sites connect to the Council’s leased line in a variety of ways, all of which incur usage charges of some form or another. Use of the Internet for personal reasons from these sites would incur additional costs for the Council and is therefore not permitted

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7         Prohibited Uses

7.1         The Council’s Internet service may not be used for the transmitting, retrieving or storing of any communications or images which are:

7.1.1         harassing - harassment is unwanted conduct(including insults and ‘jokes’) which relates to gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, disability or other similar issues.

7.1.2         defamatory - defamation is the publication of material which adversely affects the reputation of a person or company.

7.1.3         copyright - copyright means that the owner of such material has the exclusive right to determine how that material might be copied and used. Copyright material may not be transmitted if the owner’s permission has not been obtained.

7.1.4         pornographic - pornographic means any material of a sexual nature. As there can be no possible legitimate business use for accessing or transmitting sexually explicit materials at work, the question of whether or not such material constitutes pornography is not relevant to the use of the Council’s Internet services and all such material is prohibited.

7.2         Use of the Council’s Internet facilities to deliberately propagate computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses or trap door programmes is prohibited.

7.3         Use of the Council’s Internet facilities to disable or overload any computer system or network, or to attempt to disable, defeat or circumvent any system intended to protect the privacy or security of another user is prohibited.

7.4         Users must not install additional Internet or e-mail related software, or change the configuration of existing software without the written authorisation of the Council’s Head of Information and Communications Technology.

7.5         Use of the Council’s Internet facilities to download or distribute pirated software or data is prohibited.

7.6         Use of the Council’s Internet facilities to upload software licensed to the Council, or to upload data owned by the Council without good reason, is prohibited.

7.7         Use of the Council’s Internet facilities to download entertainment software of games or to play games against others over the Internet is prohibited.

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8         Exceptions to Prohibited Use

8.1         Employees who have to monitor offensive material as part of their jobs, (e.g. Child Protection, Trading Standards, etc) may access relevant material with their line manager’s permission.

8.2         Permission will only be given to named individuals and a record of such permissions will be placed on the individual’s Personnel file.

8.3         Each site visit made for such purposes must be recorded in a log which identifies the site, the date and time of the visit and the purpose. The log must be retained for a minimum of two years from the date of the visit.

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9         Monitoring

9.1          The Council uses special hardware and software to monitor and control the use of the Internet which enables it to record (and if necessary view) all usage of the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, user details, pages attempted, pages accessed, files downloaded, graphic images viewed and all e-mail correspondence.

9.2          Users should not expect the use of the Internet or the contents of files to be private. All usage will be monitored, logged and retained as required to ensure that users are complying with the requirements of this policy and that no misuse is taking place.

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10    Untowards Incidents

10.1      The nature of the Internet is such that it may not always be possible to avoid accessing material which is prohibited by the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy.

10.2      Users who are placed in this position should contact the ICT Help Desk on 823500 immediately so that their systems can be cleaned. Accidental access will not result in disciplinary action but failure to report it may do so.

10.3      Users who believe that the Internet systems are being used in a way which they regard as being offensive, potentially illegal or which otherwise appears to contravene acceptable Council policy or statutory requirement should contact the Council’s Head of Information and Communications Technology at County Hall (823502) or via e-mail to [email protected]

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11    Uploading and Downloading of Files

11.1      A significant benefit of the Internet is the ability to access and distribute files quickly and easily and the Council is keen to ensure that this facility is available to users.

11.2       The Internet security systems implemented by the Council includes virus scanning software which is designed to intercept any viruses in files (including e-mail attachments) and all files sent and received will be scanned.

11.3      Any incidents regarding the detection of viruses in files uploaded and downloaded using the Internet services will be logged and appropriate action taken by the Council’s Head of Information and Communications Technology

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12   Newsgroups

12.1      Newsgroups offer a wealth of potentially valuable information and advice but can also consume inappropriately large amounts of time and energy. In addition,newsgroup messages often provide links to inappropriate web pages and users should be aware of the risk of inadvertently accessing unacceptable sites by this means.

12.2      Users may only access newsgroups if so doing represents a reasonable return in terms of effort involved for the value received.

12.3      Users must not access newsgroups which are not work related.

12.4      Users must not participate in discussions which are politically sensitive or controversial, whether nationally or locally, and users must not give advice or information which they know to be contrary to the Council’s policies or interests.

12.5      Newsgroups are by definition public forums. Users must therefore not reveal any information which might reasonably be deemed to be sensitive or confidential.

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13    Publication of Material

13.1       The Council has a corporate web site providing information about all of its services.

13.2       Because of the risks associated with the Internet and the need for the Council to maintain the clarity, consistency and integrity of its image, no user, section or directorate of the Council may establish or maintain a separate Internet or FTP site except where this is specifically authorised.

13.3      Authorisation for separate web sites will only be given in exceptional circumstances and must be obtained annually. Authorisation can be obtained through the Council’s Head of Information and Communications Technology and the user is responsible for obtaining and keeping this permission up-to-date.

14    Breach of Policy

14.1       This Acceptable Use Policy has been drafted in such a way as to protect both the Council and users and any breach of policy will be dealt with in accordance with the Council’s general disciplinary procedures.

14.2      Failure to adhere to this policy will be considered to be a potentially serious disciplinary offence which could lead to dismissal.

14.3      In addition, users are advised that the following action may also be taken by third parties:

14.3.1      Harassment is a criminal offence for which the harasser can be imprisoned. Victims of harassment may also be able to claim damages from the harasser as well as the Council.

14.3.2      A person or company may sue individuals as well as the Council for damages if defamation of reputation can be demonstrated.

14.3.3      A copyright owner may sue individuals for damages as well as the Council in the event of breach of copyright.

14.3.4     Accessing and transmitting sexual material may be a criminal offence. The courts may take action against individuals where appropriate.

14.4      The Council will not hesitate to bring to the attention of the appropriate authorities any use of its systems by users which it believes might be illegal.

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15    Further Information

15.1       If you would like further information on the contents of this Acceptable Use Policy, or on any matters relating to it, please contact the Council’s Head of information and Communications Technology at County Hall (82 3502).

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16    History

16.1       This Policy was first drafted on the 23rd March, 2000 and circulated to the Personnel and Legal Departments for comment. The current draft incorporates their comments.

16.2       The Policy was first approved by the Council on XXXX.

16.3       There have been no amendments to date.

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