Community Strategy

This is the first ever community strategy for the Isle of Wight. It meets the Government's requirement that all areas of the country have a vision for their future and a plan of action that starts to bring this vision into reality.

Our vision is for:

' A happy prosperous and contented Island, where each member of the community enjoys the highest quality of life and where we work together to ensure that the Island's natural beauty and cultural heritage are passed undiminished to future generations '

The Island Futures Partnership, supported by the Isle of Wight Council, has produced this strategy. It is the result of extensive consultation over the last 18 months. It builds on other reports, plans and consultations most notably Local Agenda 21 process.

The strategy contains seven broad themes;

  • Guaranteeing the Quality of Life and Sustainability
  • Improving Access to Services and Facilities
  • Promoting Equality
  • Supporting Jobs and the Local Economy
  • Developing Learning and Skills
  • Developing Tourism
  • Ensuring Quality in the Built Environment

The timescale is long; the strategy intends to improve Island life over the next decade by taking action under each of the seven themes. Some early suggestions for action are included in this document. The strategy will only be achieved if all organisations, communities and individuals on the Island give it their support and turn aspirations into action. In some cases assistance from other organisations, such as the Government, will be required and we need to work together as an Island to obtain this.

You can view the whole Community Strategy in .pdf format by clicking here (~228K)

If you have any questions about the Community Strategy, please contact the Policy and Communications Team at the Isle of Wight Council, County Hall Newport, telephone 01983 823110