Access to Information Appeals Form
If you are dissatisfied with a response given to your request for information, you are entitled to appeal.
Please complete as much of this form as possible, the more details you can give the quicker we should be able to deal with your appeal.
You can either complete the form online, or download a .pdf version using the links below:
Complete form Online
Download Appeals Form.(An on-line version of the form will be added in the near future.)
If following an internal review, you are still dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, for a further review of the decision.
Appeals procedure
attached pdf shows the process for dealing with any appeals received in respect of information provided, or not provided, following a request for information being submitted to the Isle of Wight Council.
Please note: pdf forms can take a while to download over a standard 56k modem. To view the forms you will need Acrobat Reader - if you do not have this already you can download the form from our
'downloads' section.
Page last updated on: 06/07/2011