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Good Education is... Everyone's Business

A once-in-a lifetime opportunity for business to get involved in developing high quality secondary schools that reflect the needs of local industry and the communityThe proposed move to a two-tier education system will provide a once in a lifetime opportunity for business to get involved in developing high quality secondary schools that reflect the needs of local industry and the community.

While the programme will see significant investment made in rebuilding and refurbishing schools – and we will be looking for opportunities to get local business involved in this work – the re-organisation also presents a unique chance to ensure our students leave school with their skills carefully developed to help them enter local employment. That is a boost for businesses who may currently have to recruit from the mainland to plug a skills shortage and also for students who may be able to remain on the Island after leaving school – or return to employment here after university.

There are many opportunities for business to get more involved in all the Island’s existing high schools through the re-organisation processThere are many opportunities for business to get more involved in all the Island’s existing high schools through the re-organisation process. In March, you’ll have the chance to hear how you could actively play a role in the running of the new secondary schools on the Island as we launch the ‘competition’ phase of the reorganisation and look for potential ‘proposers’. Through this process, there is the opportunity to form links with others and have a real say in how these schools are run.

The Cowes One School Pathfinder project will see a new purpose-built school developed on the existing Cowes High groundsWe would also like to hear your views on the Cowes One School Pathfinder project which will see a new purpose-built school developed on the existing Cowes High grounds. As well as being a brand new, inspiring building and a model for the future, this learning centre will have a speciality in business and enterprise so firm links with local industry and commerce will be essential. Businesses are welcome to have their say on this new learning centre at a special business consultation event in April 2009.

These are important times not just for education but for business too. So however you choose to get involved, please play your part in this historic opportunity to build a better future for all Island young people.

General Competition Seminar and roadshows to be held during March. To register your interest contact
Kimberley Green, email [email protected]

One School Pathfinder Consultation event
We are holding a series of consultation events at Cowes Yacht Haven which will be of interest for any one wishing to find out more about this exciting project.

Parents & school staff - Monday 30 March, 7pm to 9pm
Businesses - Thursday 2 April, 3pm to 5pm
General Public - Thursday 2 April, 7pm to 9pm

To confirm your place contact Laura Hales, email: [email protected], tel 01983 823458