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Budget Book Summary 2010-11
File Size: 544kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

A summary of the council's budget allocations across service areas for 2010-11

Statement of Accounts 2009-10
File Size: 935kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

The council's full statement of accounts from 2009-10

Annual Report 2009-10
File Size: 5mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

The Council's annual report summarising the full statement of accounts and detailing performance and achievements. Included in the September 2010 edition of One Island.

Council Tax Leaflet 2010-11
File Size: 782kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

The council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills 2010-11

Pension Fund Annual Report 2009/10
File Size: 444kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension Fund Annual Report

Pension Fund Summary of Accounts 2009-10
File Size: 71kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of the Pension Fund Accounts for 2009-10

Council Accounts - Your Rights (April 2012)
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Guidance from the Audit Commission on your rights to inspect, question and challenge councils accounts. Issued April 2012.

Treasury Management Strategy
File Size: 55kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Local Government Act 2003 and subsequent regulations require the Council to set out its annual strategy with regard to both borrowing and the repayment of external debt. These are set out in the Treasury Management Strategy and the Minimum Revenue Position (MRP) Strategy respectively.

Treasury Management Practices
File Size: 16kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

CIPFA recommends that an organisation’s treasury management practices (TMPs) include those of the following that are relevant to its treasury management powers and the scope of its treasury management activities

Prudential Indicators
File Size: 68kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The objectives of the Prudential Code are to ensure, within a clear framework, that the capital investment plans of local authorities are affordable, prudent and sustainable, and that treasury management decisions are taken in accordance with good professional practice. The framework requires that the Council sets and monitors its performance against a set of prudential indicators which are designed to support and record local decision making in these key areas.

Parenting Strategy 2008-2011
File Size: 404kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Isle of Wight Parenting Strategy identifies the type and range of support currently available for parents and families.

The Strategy informs the reader of the national and local context and gives details of the links with other significant documents.

Performance Management Framework 2010/11
File Size: 416kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Performance Management Framework measures the delivery of the Corporate Plan and underpins the Council’s key strategies. Its purpose is to ensure that appropriate and practical arrangements are in place to plan, deliver and review Council activities both ‘on the ground’ and at a strategic level in the most effective way, making improvements transparent and sustainable. This document is prepared to provide Elected Members and officers of the Council with an understanding of the principles and components of performance management and how they are employed in the delivery of its services, by the Isle of Wight Council. (May 2010 v1.0)

Preventing Homelessness Guide
File Size: 415kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Information on preventing homelessness

Counter Fraud Procedure Manual
File Size: 147kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Counter Fraud Procedure Manual

Counter Fraud Prosecution Policy
File Size: 64kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Counter Fraud Prosecution Policy

Data Protection Policy
File Size: 167kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Data Protection Act 1998 applies to all records that contain personally identifiable information. This includes paper records as well as records held on computer. The Data Protection Officer for the Council is the Monitoring Officer. This policy sets out how the Council complies with the legislation. Author: Legal Services Directorate : Corporate Services Date : Feb 2009 : Published April 2009

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2009-2012
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2009-2012 - this document is our financial strategy.

council tax leaflet 2009-10
File Size: 597kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council Tax leaflet issued with council tax bills for 2009-10

Council tax leaflet 2007-08
File Size: 534kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills for 2007-08

Council Tax leaflet 2006-07
File Size: 390kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills 2006-07

Council tax leaflet 2005-06
File Size: 176kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills 2005-06

Council tax leaflet 2004-05
File Size: 201kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills 2004-05

Council tax leaflet 2003-04
File Size: 520kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills 2003-04

Council tax leaflet 2002-03
File Size: 528kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet issued with council tax bills 2002-03

Budget book 2009-10
File Size: 524kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2009-10

Budget book 2008-09
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2008-09

Budget book 2007-08
File Size: 5mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2007-08

Budget book 2006-07
File Size: 5mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2006-07

Budget book 2005-06
File Size: 2mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2005-06

Budget book 2004-05
File Size: 10mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2004-05

Budget book 2003-04
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Budget book 2003-04

Summary of accounts 2004-05
File Size: 154kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of accounts 2004-05

Summary of accounts 2005-06
File Size: 3mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of accounts 2005-06

Summary of accounts 2006-07
File Size: 171kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Summary of accounts 2006-07

Statement of accounts 2008-09
File Size: 710kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2008-09

Statement of accounts 2006-07
File Size: 664kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2006-07

Statement of accounts 2007-08
File Size: 700kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2007-08

Statement of accounts 2005-06
File Size: 554kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2005-06

Statement of accounts 2004-05
File Size: 221kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2004-05

Pension fund annual report 2008-09
File Size: 413kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension fund annual report 2008-09

Pension fund annual report 2007-08
File Size: 313kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension fund annual report 2007-08

Web Strategy 2010 - 2013
File Size: 162kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Web Strategy has been created to define the principles and approach that the Isle of Wight Council will take to delivering it's online services and content.

Corporate Plan 2011-2013
File Size: 235kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Corporate Plan 2011-2013 is the core strategic planning document for the authority, setting out the eight key priorities for the next two years.

People Strategy
File Size: 954kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

This strategy outlines our vision and commitments on how we will lead, manage, develop and support our people over the next three years. 

Based on our local context and what we have achieved so far, we have set ourselves six priority outcomes that are designed to develop our people and maximise organisational performance.  They are:


1.      Employing the right people, with the right skills to deliver good quality public services


2.      Excellent leadership and management


3.         Being a learning organisation


4.         A safe and healthy working environment


5.         Being recognised as a good employer


6.         Providing efficient and cost effective human resource advisory services


Fees and Charges Register 2009/10-2012/13
File Size: 177kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Details of all council fees and charges
Covers 4 years:

Scheme for Financing Schools
File Size: 297kb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

The funding framework which replaces Local Management of Schools is based on the legislative provisions in sections 45-53 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

Statement of Accounts 2010/11
File Size: 897kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Final audited statement of accounts 2010/11

Draft Statement of Accounts 2011-12 (pre-audit)
File Size: 4mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

The draft statement of accounts for 2011-12. These accounts are subject to change and and a final version will be published in September 2012.

Statement of Accounts 2000-01
File Size: 285kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2000-01

Statement of accounts 2001-02
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2001-02

Statement of accounts 2002-03
File Size: 320kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2002-03

Statement of accounts 2003-04
File Size: 346kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts 2003-04

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2012-15
File Size: 4mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2012-15

Council tax leaflet 2011-12
File Size: 551kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Council tax leaflet 2011-12

Annual governance statement 2010-11
File Size: 135kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Annual governance statement 2010-11

Treasury management strategy 2012-13
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Treasury management strategy 2012-13

Council tax leaflet 2012-13
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Contains information about the councils budget for 2012/13 and how it is funded, what element is made up from council tax charges, how these are calculated including parish council and police authority precepts.

Notice of completion of 2010/11 audit
File Size: 58kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Notice of completion of 2010/11 audit

Statement of Accounts 2011-12
File Size: 2mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Final approved version

Annual Governance Statement 2011-12
File Size: 358kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Final version

Statement of Accounts 2011-12 - approved signed version
File Size: 4mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Statement of accounts

August 2012 - Transaction Data
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transaction data for August 2012

Transaction Data - August 2012 CSV
File Size: 353kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transaction Data - August 2012 CSV

2011-12 Notice of Completion
File Size: 14kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

2011-12 Notice of Completion for statement of accounts

2011-2012 Notice of Completion
File Size: 74kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

External audit notice of completion 2011-12

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
File Size: 258kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Highways PFI Project Agreement main body has been published as nine (9) files:
1. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Contents Page
2. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part A to Part C
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement – Part D
3. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part E to Part G
4. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part H to Part J
5. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part K to Part M
6. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part N to Part O
7. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part P
8. Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 1 Definitions
File Size: 8mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 1 Definitions,  defines the words and expressions used in the Highways PFI Prioject Agreement.

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 4
File Size: 9mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 4
This Schedule is the Payment Mechanism

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 18
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 18
This document details Accurals and De-accurals

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 9
File Size: 451kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 9
This document referes to Geotechnical and Geological Zones

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 13
File Size: 1000kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 13
This document refers to Call-Off Services

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 2 Output Specification
File Size: 6mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 2 Output Specification
This document details the specification for the Highways Services included in the Highways PFI

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q
File Size: 2mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Part Q

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 35
File Size: 56kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 35

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 34
File Size: 28kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 34

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 33
File Size: 265kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 33

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 31
File Size: 55kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 31

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 30
File Size: 125kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 30

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 27
File Size: 125kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highway PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 27

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 24
File Size: 110kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 24

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 20
File Size: 245kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 20

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 15
File Size: 5mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 20

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 14
File Size: 235kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 14

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 11
File Size: 255kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 11

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 10
File Size: 42kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 10

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 7
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 7

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 25
File Size: 66kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 25

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 19
File Size: 808kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 19

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 12
File Size: 134kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 12

Highways PFI Project Agreement - List of Entirely Redacted Documents
File Size: 42kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - List of Entirely Redacted Documents

This document lists all annexures and schedules that have been redacted in their entirety

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 23
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Schedule 23

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 17
File Size: 242kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 17

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 16
File Size: 325kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 16

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 15
File Size: 9kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 15

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 14
File Size: 34kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 14

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 13
File Size: 171kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 13

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 12
File Size: 9kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 12

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 11
File Size: 9kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 11

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 10
File Size: 9kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 10

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 9
File Size: 438kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 9

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 6
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 6

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 5
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 5

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 3
File Size: 16kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 3

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 2
File Size: 18kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Highways PFI Project Agreement - Annexure 2

Transparency downloads oct 2012 pdf
File Size: 8mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transparency downloads oct 2012 pdf

Transparency download october 2012 csv
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transparency download october 2012 csv

Pension Fund Annual Report 2010-11
File Size: 777kb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension Fund Annual Report 2010-11

Pension fund annual report 2011-12
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Pension fund annual report 2011-12

Joining Solent Local Transport Body
File Size: 188kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The aim of the delegated decision report is to set out the issues associated with joining with our neighbouring authorities (Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils) and the Solent Local Economic Partnership (SLEP) as a member of the Solent Local Transport Body (SLTB) – the sole aim of which is to draw down, prioritise and allocate government money to fund major (£2m+) transport schemes in the SLEP area.


The expected outcome will be that the Isle of Wight Council joins the SLTB and will then be able to attract additional funds to spend on large transport schemes on the Island.


Local Council Tax Support Section 13A policy
File Size: 1mb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy.  This policy sets out how the scheme will operate and what the qualifying conditions are for making awards from April 2013 to replace Council Tax Benefit

Local Council Tax Support Scheme Vulnerability Policy
File Size: 95kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

The Local Council Tax Support Vulnerability Policy provides a statement of intent of how the Council will address the issues of Child Poverty, The chronically sick and disabled, the Armed Forces Covenant, and work incentives through the Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy

Transparency Data November PDF
File Size: 8mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transparency Data November PDF

Transparency Data November CSV
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transparency Data November CSV

Transparency December 2012 PDF
File Size: 6mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transparency December 2012 PDF

Transparency December 2012 CSV
File Size: 1mb    Financial Report Click here to see more information about the document

Transparency December 2012 CSV

Highways PFI Road Show Presentation 2013 - IWC portion
File Size: 13mb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

This is this Highways PFI Contract Mangement Team portion of the PFI Roadshow delivered across the Island between November 12 and January 13.

Highways PFI Roadshow Presentation 2013 - Island Roads Portion
File Size: 5mb    Report Click here to see more information about the document

This is this Island Roads portion of the PFI Roadshow delivered across the Island between November 12 and January 13.

Discretionary Rate Relief Policy 2013
File Size: 475kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Policy for considering applications for Discretionary Business Rate Relief