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Equality Impact Assessments

Private Fostering Equality Impact Document
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The aim of the statement of Purpose is to:

Meet the requirements of section 44 of the Children Act 2004 and replace regulations( the Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005, which came into force on 1 July 2005.

It is designed to ensure the wellbeing of children who may be living by private arrangement with people other than close relatives.

Healthwatch EIA
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Healthwatch will be the new independent consumer champion for both health and social care issues.

The aims and objectives of Healthwatch are twofold:-

  1. To provide a voice for local service users and carers in the commissioning of services and in doing so champion equality of health and care access and provision.
  2. To meet the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012

EIA for IRMP 2012-2015
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This is the Stage 1 Equality Impact Assessment - Initial Screening, for the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service Integrated Risk Management Plan 2013-2015.

Equality Impact Assessment for Adult Community Learning
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The Adult Community Learning Plan outlines the planned scope and volume of community learning programmes to be delivered during the 2012/13 academic year as contracted by the Skills Funding Agency.  The programme covers:


·        Family learning;

·        Community learning programmes including basic skills.

This Equality Impact Assessment judges whether the plan disadvantaged anyone with a protected characteristic.

Equality Impact Assessment - LAC Apprenticeship
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Equality Impact Assessment initial document to support the consideration of developing ring fenced apprenticeships for Isle of Wight Looked After Children

Sensory Impairment Equality Impact Assessment
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The Council currently has two separate contracts that provide support and advice to people with

a sensory impairment. The contract supporting people with sight impairment is run by the Isle of

Wight Society for the Blind whilst the other contract supporting people with a hearing impairment

is run by Action on Hearing Loss.

The intention is to bring together both of these services into one single contract and to provide

increased support to people who are deaf blind, children in transition who are not in education

and people with other related sensory impairments.

EIA Local Council Tax Support - Stage 1
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The national Council Tax Benefit (CTB) scheme comes to an end on 31ST March 2013 to be replaced by a locally determined system of Council Tax Support (CTS). The funding made available by Government for the new scheme will be reduced by 10% nationally and cash limited. The aim of the new support scheme is to provide financial assistance to council taxpayers who have low incomes.  Persons who are of state pension credit qualifying age  are protected under the scheme in that the calculation of the support they are to receive has been set by Central Government.  For working age applicants however the support they receive on the Isle of Wight is to be determined by the Council. 

At this stage it is projected that the financial assistance for the scheme to be provided by Central Government will be some £1.9m less than the amount currently provided to support the existing Council Tax Benefit scheme.  In order to fully or partly meet this funding gap the Council has to consider a reduction of council tax support paid to working age claimants.



EIA for Residential and Nursing Home Fee Uplift for 2012/13
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This is an EIA connected with the uplift of residential and nursing care home fees for 2012/13.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy EIA
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The Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been published for public consultation.
This is the inital EIA which will be completed in full following the completion of the consultation.

Equality Impact Assessment - Financial Regulations
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Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) of the financial regulations 2012

The Isle of Wight Council (Parking Places) Order No 1 2012
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The Equality Impact Assessment for the Parking Places Traffic Regulation Order No 1 2012

EIA stage 1 - Strengthening Families Programme
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Stage 1 Equality Impact Assessment for the Strengthening Families Programme

EIA Stage 2 - Strengthening Families Programme
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Stage 2 Equality Impact Assessment for the Strengthening Families Programme

The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ventnor) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2012
File Size: 47kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The making of the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ventnor) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2012, that seeks to consolidate the parking restrictions on the Esplanade and amend the parking restrictions in St Catherine Street, Ventnor. The proposed restrictions for the Esplanade are already in place following an accessibility scheme completed in 2009 and covered by a temporary traffic order; this process will consolidate the temporary traffic order into the permanent traffic order therefore no changes will occur on-street.

There are additional double yellow lines proposed for St Catherine Street.   

The Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Cowes) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2012
File Size: 58kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The making of the Isle of Wight Council (Various Streets, Cowes) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2012, that seeks to amend the parking restrictions in Newport Road, St Faiths Road, Highfield Road, Nelson Drive, Pelham Road and Arctic Road, Cowes.

EIA Local Council Tax Support - stage 1 & 2
File Size: 361kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The national Council Tax Benefit (CTB) scheme comes to an end on 31ST March 2013 to be replaced by a locally determined system of Council Tax Support (CTS). The funding made available by Government for the new scheme will be reduced by 10% nationally and cash limited. The aim of the new support scheme is to provide financial assistance to council taxpayers who have low incomes.  Persons who are of state pension credit qualifying age  are protected under the scheme in that the calculation of the support they are to receive has been set by Central Government.  For working age applicants however the support they receive on the Isle of Wight is to be determined by the Council. 

At this stage it is projected that the financial assistance for the scheme to be provided by Central Government will be some £1.8m less than the amount currently provided to support the existing Council Tax Benefit scheme.  In order to fully or partly meet this funding gap the Council has to consider a reduction of council tax support paid to working age claimants.  This completed EIA sets out the considerations in providing the final Council Tax Support scheme.

Joining Solent Local Transport Body
File Size: 188kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The aim of the delegated decision report is to set out the issues associated with joining with our neighbouring authorities (Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils) and the Solent Local Economic Partnership (SLEP) as a member of the Solent Local Transport Body (SLTB) – the sole aim of which is to draw down, prioritise and allocate government money to fund major (£2m+) transport schemes in the SLEP area.


The expected outcome will be that the Isle of Wight Council joins the SLTB and will then be able to attract additional funds to spend on large transport schemes on the Island.


Stage 2 Equality Impact Assessment on Technical Reforms to Council Tax
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Equality impact assessment in respect of Technical reforms to Council Tax that apply to second homes and empty properties.

EIA - Local Assistance Scheme Stage 1
File Size: 143kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The national Social Fund Discretionary Scheme for Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants comes to an end on 31ST March 2013 to be replaced by a locally determined system of Local Assistance Scheme (LAS). The funding made available by Government for the new scheme will be cash limited. The aim of the new support scheme is to provide financial assistance to island residents for general living expenses who are in genuine hardship and can not be met through other means. 

This is a pilot year scheme to enable the Council to monitor, evaluate and deliver a responsive scheme of local assistance and will be delivered through the grant funding available of £344K. 


Discretionary Rate Relief Policy 2013
File Size: 475kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

Policy for considering applications for Discretionary Business Rate Relief