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Strategies and Schemes

ICT Strategy
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The ICT strategy describes how ICT will support the delivery of the corporate plan over the two year period from 1st April 2012 through to 31st March 2014.

People Strategy
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This strategy outlines our vision and commitments on how we will lead, manage, develop and support our people over the next three years. 

Based on our local context and what we have achieved so far, we have set ourselves six priority outcomes that are designed to develop our people and maximise organisational performance.  They are:


1.      Employing the right people, with the right skills to deliver good quality public services


2.      Excellent leadership and management


3.         Being a learning organisation


4.         A safe and healthy working environment


5.         Being recognised as a good employer


6.         Providing efficient and cost effective human resource advisory services


Economic Development Plan: 2011/12 - 2013/14
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This document sets out the objectives of the Island’s economic development plan for the next three years: 2011/12 to 2013/14. It outlines targets to be achieved to meet the vision for the Island by 2020 but also the progress that needs to be achieved in the shorter term.

Buy With Confidence Commitment by Businesses
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The terms and conditions of the Buy With Confidence Approved Trader Scheme define the minimum standards required of members and membership of scheme requires businesses to adhere to them. These minimum standards have been designed to ensure that member businesses are equipped to deliver good customer service, together with the right and proper personal approach by each and every member of staff.

Heat Mapping Study
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This study, carried out by Grontmij, shows heat demand density across the Island for both existing and proposed development. It suggests those areas where district heating could effectively be deployed in the future.

Anaerobic Digestion Review
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This study considers the potential for anarobic digestion on the Island, reviewing available waste streams and the size of AD system this could support.

Wood Fuel Supply Strategy
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This report looks at the potential biomass fuel supply on the Island, considering forestry, waste wood and agricultural residues.

Tidal Energy Resource Atlas for the South East
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This documents looks at the potential tidal stream resource in the south east region, mapping tidal flows, environmental constraints and potential power output.

Grid Connection Study
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This report looks at the current electricity grid infrastructure on the Island (including mainland interconnectors) and considers the potential to connect new renewable energy generation. It looks at existing capacity on the network and where reinforcement might be required.

Scheme for Financing Schools
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The funding framework which replaces Local Management of Schools is based on the legislative provisions in sections 45-53 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

Local Account 2010/11
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The government is changing how it assesses council services.  The local account replaces annual assessments of council social care services by the Care Quality Commission. The local account is a report that local people, service users and providers can use to judge our performance. It will provide you with key information about Adult Social Care on the Isle of Wight and will highlight to you what are our key priorities.

Sensory Impairment Equality Impact Assessment
File Size: 125kb    Equality Impact Assessment Click here to see more information about the document

The Council currently has two separate contracts that provide support and advice to people with

a sensory impairment. The contract supporting people with sight impairment is run by the Isle of

Wight Society for the Blind whilst the other contract supporting people with a hearing impairment

is run by Action on Hearing Loss.

The intention is to bring together both of these services into one single contract and to provide

increased support to people who are deaf blind, children in transition who are not in education

and people with other related sensory impairments.

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2011
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Local Authorities are required under the Childcare Act 2006, Section 6 to ensure that there is sufficient, quality, flexible, sustainable childcare for parents and carers The Childcare Act 2006 defines childcare sufficiency as ‘sufficient to meet the requirement of parents in the (Local Authority’s) area who require childcare in order to enable them:


a) To take up or remain in work

b) To undertake education or training which could reasonably be expected to assist them to obtain work.

c) May have regard to any childcare which they expect to be available outside their area.


In order to meet the sufficiency duty local authorities are required to undertake a detailed assessment of the supply of, and demand for, childcare in their area. Qa Research was commissioned to undertake the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment on behalf of the Local Authority. The assessment included research and consultation with parents / carers, children and young people, employers, and providers.


This document presents the key findings of the assessment in line with nine indicators of sufficiency:


  • Sufficiency of Places
  • Range of Provision
  • Quality
  • Flexibility
  • Accessibility (geographical issues)
  • Knowledge and Information
  • Affordability
  • Inclusivity/Meeting Particular Needs
  • Sustainability

Child Poverty Needs Assessment Executive Summary 2011
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The Child Poverty Act 2010 enshrined in law the commitment to eradicate child poverty in the UK by 2020 and placed a duty on local authorities to:

•work with relevant agencies and named partners such as: Police, transport authorities, Primary Care Trust, Job Centre Plus - to reduce and mitigate the effects of poverty;

•prepare and publish a local Child Poverty Needs Assessment - to understand the drivers of child poverty and characteristics of those living in poverty;

•prepare and publish a Joint Child Poverty Needs Strategy - setting out the measures the Local Authority and named partners propose to take to reduce and mitigate the effects of child poverty


The Needs Assessment:

•will provide evidence and context for developing a strategic approach to child poverty by providing a deeper understanding of:

•the extent and distribution of child poverty on the Isle of Wight;

•the key drivers and characteristics of families living in poverty;

•the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to tackling child poverty


Health and Wellbeing Strategy
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The Isle of Wight health & wellbeing strategic and executive boards are key forums for leaders in health and community wellbeing to work on behalf of the local community to improve the health and wellbeing of people living on the Isle of Wight.
This strategy has been drafted for public consultation. The final strategy will be published by April 2013.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Summary
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This document is the summary of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The strategy sets out the plans and priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment
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In April 2010 Local Authorities were required to complete a Local Economic Assessment (LEA) of their area. The aim was to provide a comprehensive picture of the local economy, pulling together a wide range of data and evidence to tell a story of place.  This guidance was revoked in July 2010, allowing local authorities greater scope to use the duty as they see fit. On this basis, the Island LEA will provide the Council and its partners with a robust analysis of local economic conditions that will be used to inform economic policies and interventions.  

Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment Summary
File Size: 297kb    Key Document Click here to see more information about the document

In April 2010 Local Authorities were required to complete a Local Economic Assessment (LEA) of their area. The aim was to provide a comprehensive picture of the local economy, pulling together a wide range of data and evidence to tell a story of place.  This guidance was revoked in July 2010, allowing local authorities greater scope to use the duty as they see fit. On this basis, the Island LEA will provide the Council and its partners with a robust analysis of local economic conditions that will be used to inform economic policies and interventions.  

Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment Statistical Summary
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Statistical Summary for the the Isle of Wight Local Economic Assessment

Local Council Tax Support Section 13A policy
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The Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy.  This policy sets out how the scheme will operate and what the qualifying conditions are for making awards from April 2013 to replace Council Tax Benefit

Local Council Tax Support Scheme Vulnerability Policy
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The Local Council Tax Support Vulnerability Policy provides a statement of intent of how the Council will address the issues of Child Poverty, The chronically sick and disabled, the Armed Forces Covenant, and work incentives through the Local Council Tax Support Section 13A Policy

Highways PFI Road Show Presentation 2013 - IWC portion
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This is this Highways PFI Contract Mangement Team portion of the PFI Roadshow delivered across the Island between November 12 and January 13.

Highways PFI Roadshow Presentation 2013 - Island Roads Portion
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This is this Island Roads portion of the PFI Roadshow delivered across the Island between November 12 and January 13.