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Corporate Plan

This page relates to the Isle of Wight Council’s Corporate Plan 2011 - 2013, our main strategic planning document which sets out the local authority’s focus for the next two years.

Whilst the priorities detailed in this plan do not amount to an exhaustive list, they should be taken as the definitive list of where resources ultimately will be prioritised. Any programme, project or scheme which is not detailed in this document will have to be carefully considered as to whether it contributes to our wider stated priorities, and also whether there are any statutory requirements for the local authority to deliver such services. Failure to meet these tests will mean that resources will not be allocated. Only by adopting such a rigorous approach can we ensure that we live within our means and provide a sustainable financial model for future years. It is, however, worth stressing that the priorities set out in this document do not in any way reflect the breadth of work undertaken by the local authority. Fulfilling a range of other duties and responsibilities to the highest possible standard remains a key objective.


Council key priorities

In the context of its overall vision for the authority, the Isle of Wight Council has identified eight key priorities as its focus for the next two years, which in the main, build on previous priorities and the need to address the budget deficit. These are often described as major projects, as they all involve significant transformational change:

• Raising educational standards;

• Highways PFI scheme;

• Keeping children safe;

• Supporting older and vulnerable residents;

• Housing and homelessness;

• Regeneration and the economy;

• Waste strategy;

• Delivery of budget savings through changed service provision.