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Housing Enforcement

Landlords Responsibilities

The advice provided on this web page will help to get your landlord to complete repairs on residential properties with short leases (less than 7 years).

You must let your landlord know you have a problem, your landlord cannot be expected to carry out repairs unless they are told about the problem. Not all landlords arrange for the work themselves; some employ a managing agent, often an estate agent to act for them, so it might take a while for the repair to be fixed.

If you think the landlord or agent should be doing repairs you must let them know, preferably in writing. It is wise to keep a copy of all of the letters you write and all of the responses that you are sent you may need to refer to them or use them as evidence at a later date.

Always look at your contract to see what you landlord has agreed with you you may be able to enforce this to help get the problem fixed.

You may be able to take your own action under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 sections 8 to 11, which could provide compensation and/or force the landlord to undertake repairs. Please Note: You should seek legal advice before commencing any action yourself.

For a copy of our help booklet 'A guide for landlords and tenants' please click here  (PDF file format)

Getting the Isle of Wight Council involved.

If, after telling your landlord about repairs, no action is taken within a reasonable time period, the Council can assist you with advice and may be able to intervene and possibly take enforcement action, either informally or by the service of a notice on your landlord or managing agent.

The Housing Section of the Council, work to the Enforcement Concordat, which encourages informal communications to start with, and we seek to encourage, persuade, and then enforce.

It is important to be aware that involvement by the Council will not result in immediate repairs as intervention often follows a set procedure.

How to get the Council involved.

Please contact the Housing Renewal Team by selecting the 'Send a Message' tab at the top of this page, or by selecting the 'Forms' tab at the top of this page and completing the questionnaire.

A Housing Renewal Officer will speak to you about your problems and advise you on the best course of action. A visit may be arranged with you to look at your issues and to let you know if the Council can help you.

When the Council becomes involved, it is obliged to take matters up with the landlord.

Informing the landlord the council is involved.

We will require your landlords’ details prior to an Officer visiting the property. The Council need your landlords’ details because we will need to contact your Landlord and let them know our intention to visit your property.

The council’s housing renewal enforcement policy.

The aim of the Housing Renewal Team is to raise the standard of private sector housing conditions, improve home safety, bring empty properties back into use and to intervene where private drainage is causing a nuisance.  The principles of good enforcement can be found in our housing renewal enforcement policy. If you would like a copy of the councils housing renewal enforcement policy please click here (PDF file format)