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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Behaviour Support & Parenting Advice Team

Work with schools

There 4 U programme

The team can offer individual behaviour support for pupils in school. This includes strategies for managing anger, identifying and managing emotions, listening skills and activities to build confidence and self-esteem. We also provide group work for pupils to improve social skills, build friendships and provide valuable conflict resolution skills.

There 4U group work

There 4U is a Key Stage 2 resource that aims to foster positive peer relationships through a structured programme of activities which include discussion, role play and circle time based activities. There 4U groups provide children with the skills to improve their listening skills, turn taking, conflict resolution skills and empathy towards others.

The programme draws on a number of theoretical frameworks including Circles of Friends (Peer support), Circle Time, Illuminative Research and Protective Behaviours to ensure the children’s emotional and social needs are met in a structured and creative way. For further information on any of these frameworks please click on the relevant link:

Comments from the children & school staff

“I’ve learnt that being a friend is fun not boring. I thought that being a good friend makes me feel happy.” (Year 4 pupil)

“I’ve learnt to share more.” (Year 4 pupil)

“They are more confident when talking about friendship issues and problems.” (Year 5 Teacher)

“Most pupils were enthusiastic about being in the friendship group, and those who were chosen grew in confidence.” (Year 5 Teacher)

“It helped them see “the other side of things” And also gave them an opportunity to reflect more on the consequences of their actions – how other children feel and why some children act/say things they do.” (Year 5 Teacher)

Getting Along programme

This practical and fun resource for children in Key Stage 1 helps schools to develop children’s social and emotional competence and relationship skills through practical activities and a circle time approach.

The programme aims to improve communication skills, listening and turn taking. The Getting Along group work helps to develop children’s understanding and problem solving in relation to social situations and behaviour.