Petition Title: Re-open Chapel Street, Newport
Date submitted: 16 January 2013
Date to be reviewed: 6 February 2014
To view the Chapel Street Petition please click here
Outcome: The Economy and Environment Scrutiny Panel at its meeting on 6 February 2013 passed the following resolution :-
a) THAT it be recommended to the cabinet member for procurement, fire, highways and transport that the concerns of the petitioners are recognised and that Chapel Street, Newport is re-opened for traffic entry from New Street, and that as an additional measure appropriate and safe one way arrangements are put into place, with a particular focus on improving safety on the bends in the road.
b) Furthermore that officers are required to work up detailed plans setting out how these changes can be safely implemented, and report these to the cabinet member as part of a proposed traffic regulation order, as soon as reasonably possible.