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Financial Management

Financial Planning

The purpose of the council's financial planning framework is to ensure that the overall vision,objectives and outcomes sought for the local community are deliverable within the resources that are available. There are a number of documents that make up this framework which can be viewed here.

Latest Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) - the MTFS brings together the overall revenue and capital budget strategies setting out how the council will resource the key projects, changes and investments for the medium term. It also addresses the redirection of resources over time to balance the budget gap.

Latest Fees and Charges Register - the council raises around 10% of its budget through income generation which includes fees and charges for services including planning and building control, leisure facilities, cemeteries and crematorium and many others. This register records the rate of fees and charges for the councils services over a period of years.

The Treasury Management Strategy sets out the councils annual plans with regard to borrowing and repayment of external debt, and sets prudential indicators for the next three years to ensure that the councils investment plans are affordable, prudent and sustainable.

Council Tax Leaflets - each year the council produces a leaflet which is distributed with council tax bills detailing the councils budget for the year ahead, changes in spending, how the budget is financed and the level of council tax you will pay.

Council tax leaflet 2012-13

Council tax leaflet 2011-12

Council tax leaflet 2010-11 

Council tax leaflet 2009-10

Council tax leaflet 2007-08

Council tax leaflet 2006-07

Council tax leaflet 2005-06

Council tax leaflet 2004-05 

Council tax leaflet 2003-04

Council tax leaflet 2002-03  

Further information about council tax is available here.

Council tax levels and the annual revenue and capital budget are set each year by full council usually at a February meeting. This follows consultation with the public on budget priorities and savings plans. Current consultations and results from previous years can be viewed here. Links to the agendas and minutes of full council and budget and council tax setting reports can be found here.