Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 sets out the equality duty placed on public bodies and others carrying out public functions. The Isle of Wight Council is required under the public sector equality duty to develop and publish equality objectives by 6 April 2012 (and subsequent intervals of not greater than 4 years) as well as reporting progress on an annual basis.
The council's overall vision is to provide services that meet the needs of the local community within the availability of limited resources. Equality and diversity is an integral part of the Island's Eco Island Vision and the council's Corporate Plan.
The establishment of equality objectives are a fundamental part of the council's governance arrangements through which ethical, lawful and informed decision-making can take place.
The 4 equality objectives are:
Objective 1: equality and diversity is at the heart of decision-making at all levels of the council
Objective 2: local communities and stakeholders are empowered to influence the way our services are provided to them
Objective 3: the council's workforce feels valued, respected and is reflective of the diverse communities it serves
Objective 4: our services are more accessible and do not discriminate on any unjustifiable grounds